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In-App Purchases Carding
Ever tried punching a site with your best cards and setups but that shit just wont budge? Or maybe your cards are
burned to a crisp - payment processors have
flagged and blacklisted your ass.
Frustrating as fuck, right?
Well there's a
sneaky little backdoor that most of you overlook:
in-app purchases. These mobile money makers operate on different payment rails than regular web transactions, opening up a whole new world of possibilities. This guide will show you how to leverage
in-app purchases to breathe new life into those "dead" cards and bypass the usual processor cockblocks.
Reminder: this is extremely specific and only works on platforms that have in-app purchases, but once you get it going can be extremely powerful.
Security Imbalance
Lets talk about security imbalance - when a company's web transactions are locked down tight but their in-app purchases are about as secure as a
dollar store padlock.
ChatGPT for example. Their web payments run through
Stripe, which has gotten
aggressive as fuck lately with their fraud detection.
Stripe Radar has been going absolutely
apeshit these past few months blocking legitimate transactions and treating every card like its radioactive. For carders working with cheap garbage cards, getting a payment through is about as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard.
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Or look at
Roblox - they use either
XSolla or
Stripe for web payments.
XSolla demands card enrollment and verification charges. But here's where it gets interesting: these same companies also have mobile apps where you can buy the exact same stuff.
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See most companies pour resources into securing their main website payments, treating them like their firstborn child. But their in-app purchase security? That shits completely outsourced to
Google and
Apple's app stores. Once you figure out the quirks of
Play Store and
App Store payments youve basically got a
master key to card anything these companies sell through their apps. It's like finding a secret tunnel that bypasses all their fancy website security.
Now dont get me wrong - app stores aren't exactly wide open. Both
Apple and
Google have their own security measures that can be a pain in the ass. But when youre banging your head against the wall trying to card some
Roblox credits with your $2 resold cards and getting nowhere on the main site, even a slightly easier target through in-app purchases looks like a fucking oasis in the desert.
This security imbalance creates opportunities. While everyone else is ramming their head against brick wall you will be sliding through the side door of in-app purchases.
iPhone vs Android
Not all stores are created equal, and these two fuckers differ largely in terms of security.
Apple App Store
Apple's security is device-focused - they track and flag suspicious patterns on individual phones. Push too many purchases through a single device especially large ones right off the bat, and
Apple will
cockblock you. Resetting your device can help dodge some flags but its not a magic bullet. The good news? Unless you're being a greedy fuck running $10k+ daily through one phone, you probably wont get permanently
Apple can't completely ban devices from making purchases - imagine the shitstorm if legitimate customers buying used iPhones cant purchase on the
App Store.
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That said if you're moving serious volume and need more devices, hit up the secondhand market. Some crafty fuckers in
China even run card ops out of phone repair shops using devices before flipping them. Smart hustle, and extremely profitable. But this is just for the big boys if youre not planning to move volume this is hardly anything you should concern yourself with.
Google Play Store
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Google's a whole different animal. They dont give two shits about devices since
Android hardware IDs are extremely unreliable - one click with the right tools and boom, fresh device identity. So instead of focusing on the device they implement the security on the account itself.
Their payment security comes in two flavors:
3D Secure verification or
mini-charge verification. If you're planning to hit big, enroll cards that have access to transaction history (or
Visa Alerts cards although these cards have low amounts of balances) and verify them properly with
Google. Once youre "trusted", they'll let you max those fuckers out before the security algorithms wake up and start asking questions. Just dont get cocky - even trusted accounts have limits before
Google brings down the hammer.
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Personally I stick with
Apple's ecosystem. Why? Because that shit just works. The barrier to entry is way lower - grab a fresh iPhone, format that bitch create a new
Apple ID, and youre ready to roll on a purchasing spree. As long as your card is live and kicking it'll work without jumping through a million hoops.
No es necesario verificar los minicargos ni lidiar con las tonterías de confianza
de Google . No se necesitan requisitos de antigüedad de la cuenta ni suplantaciones complejas del dispositivo. Solo un teléfono limpio, una cuenta nueva y una tarjeta que funcione. Simple, eficaz y confiable. Claro, es posible que deba cambiar de dispositivo con más frecuencia para un gran volumen, pero ese es un pequeño precio a pagar por tasas de éxito constantes.
Suscripciones y devoluciones de cargos
Otra fuerza poderosa en el juego de las tarjetas dentro de las aplicaciones son las suscripciones. Son oro puro tanto para uso personal como para reventa. ¿Por qué? Porque la mayoría de las plataformas de streaming y los servicios de suscripción son demasiado vagos para implementar correctamente los protocolos de devolución de cargos
de Apple y
Google .
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Mira, cuando un contracargo afecta a una compra dentro de la aplicación,
Apple y
Google tienen sistemas para notificar al comerciante. Proporcionan API que permiten a las empresas revocar automáticamente el acceso cuando se devuelven los cargos de las suscripciones. Pero, ¿empresas como
Hulu, Disney+ y otras? Hacen las cosas a medias. Esto es especialmente cierto si el contracargo se realiza a través de
la App Store , ya que
Apple realmente no proporciona una forma conveniente para que las empresas sepan qué cuenta devolvió el cargo y solo qué transacción. Sus sistemas están tan mal integrados que incluso si registras una suscripción anual y se devuelve el cargo una semana después, tu acceso a menudo permanece activo durante todo el año.
Esta implementación descuidada es exactamente la razón por la que se venden tantas "cuentas premium baratas". Esos vendedores no son mágicos: solo transfieren suscripciones a través del sitio y mediante compras dentro de la aplicación y las revenden rápidamente. Incluso si se devuelve el cargo a las tarjetas, las cuentas siguen funcionando.
Texto oculto: no se puede citar.
Las compras dentro de la aplicación son tu
arma secreta cuando el sistema tradicional de pago por tarjeta choca contra un muro. Mientras todos los demás se golpean la cabeza contra los sistemas de pago web fortificados, tú puedes atravesar las puertas traseras de la tienda de aplicaciones como un ninja digital. El juego no se trata de fuerza bruta, sino de encontrar y explotar estos desequilibrios de seguridad.
Ya sea que estés reviviendo cartas "muertas" o esquivando listas negras de procesadores, las compras dentro de la aplicación abren posibilidades que las transacciones web no pueden alcanzar. Domina esta técnica y tendrás un flujo de ingresos confiable mucho después de que otros se hayan dado por vencidos y se hayan ido a casa.
la avaricia mata . Mantenga sus volúmenes razonables, sus dispositivos limpios y su seguridad operacional estricta. El dinero inteligente no se gana con un ataque masivo, sino mediante la explotación constante y sostenible de estas vulnerabilidades ignoradas.
Ahora salgan y hagan dinero con la tienda de aplicaciones.
Doctrina fuera.