
Reaction score

What is Venmo?

Venmo is a type of peer-to-peer payment platform. It's a mobile app that enables sending money easily among friends. No credit card, no wallet, no fees and no nagging for unpaid drinks required. Just link the app to a debit card and spend away.
Venmo has a weekly spending limit of $3,000. Download the app and all you need to sign up is a google voice number and valid email address.
Once you've signed in, you can attach up to three credit or debit cards to Venmo and the money will go instantly and appear in your destination email address.
Once you sign up for a venmo account the money appears as cash in the new account. What I did was sign up for the first account, send the money to another email address and then closed the first account and signed up using the email containing money for a second account.
After that the balance on my account was $3k in cash. Now remember you can sign up for as many accounts as you want, so three accounts would mean $9000 in one day being sent to this one email account. At the end you would get 9000 in a new fresh venmo account.

Tools required to card Venmo

Before you start carding venmo you'll need the following tools ready.
  1. Fresh device that has never had Venmo installed on it ($25+ androids Walmart or dollar tree recommended)
  2. Btc or PayPal for # site
  3. Good CC debit card
  4. Drop account with Venmo card

Let's begin Crarding Venmo.

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Importance things to NOTE while carding Venmo

  1. You can only link three cards to each venmo account and no more even if you remove the accounts.
  2. You have to close the accounts as you use them to create the new ones and at first it only lets you send 300. However if you verify using facebook or entering the last 4 digits of social security number, DOB and Zip, you get 3000 per week. This info is easily obtainable.
  3. Only use your info including bank info on the last catch all account so you can cash out.
  4. It allows you to attach credit and debit cards including american express. It is instant, quick, and in one day you can create four accounts and make over 12k


Reaction score

What is Venmo?

Venmo is a type of peer-to-peer payment platform. It's a mobile app that enables sending money easily among friends. No credit card, no wallet, no fees and no nagging for unpaid drinks required. Just link the app to a debit card and spend away.
Venmo has a weekly spending limit of $3,000. Download the app and all you need to sign up is a google voice number and valid email address.
Once you've signed in, you can attach up to three credit or debit cards to Venmo and the money will go instantly and appear in your destination email address.
Once you sign up for a venmo account the money appears as cash in the new account. What I did was sign up for the first account, send the money to another email address and then closed the first account and signed up using the email containing money for a second account.
After that the balance on my account was $3k in cash. Now remember you can sign up for as many accounts as you want, so three accounts would mean $9000 in one day being sent to this one email account. At the end you would get 9000 in a new fresh venmo account.

Tools required to card Venmo

Before you start carding venmo you'll need the following tools ready.
  1. Fresh device that has never had Venmo installed on it ($25+ androids Walmart or dollar tree recommended)
  2. Btc or PayPal for # site
  3. Good CC debit card
  4. Drop account with Venmo card

Let's begin Crarding Venmo.

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Importance things to NOTE while carding Venmo

  1. You can only link three cards to each venmo account and no more even if you remove the accounts.
  2. You have to close the accounts as you use them to create the new ones and at first it only lets you send 300. However if you verify using facebook or entering the last 4 digits of social security number, DOB and Zip, you get 3000 per week. This info is easily obtainable.
  3. Only use your info including bank info on the last catch all account so you can cash out.
  4. It allows you to attach credit and debit cards including american express. It is instant, quick, and in one day you can create four accounts and make over 12k


Reaction score

What is Venmo?

Venmo is a type of peer-to-peer payment platform. It's a mobile app that enables sending money easily among friends. No credit card, no wallet, no fees and no nagging for unpaid drinks required. Just link the app to a debit card and spend away.
Venmo has a weekly spending limit of $3,000. Download the app and all you need to sign up is a google voice number and valid email address.
Once you've signed in, you can attach up to three credit or debit cards to Venmo and the money will go instantly and appear in your destination email address.
Once you sign up for a venmo account the money appears as cash in the new account. What I did was sign up for the first account, send the money to another email address and then closed the first account and signed up using the email containing money for a second account.
Después de eso, el saldo de mi cuenta fue de $ 3000 en efectivo. Ahora recuerde que puede registrarse para tantas cuentas como desee, por lo que tres cuentas significarían $ 9000 en un día que se enviarán a esta cuenta de correo electrónico. Al final, obtendría 9000 en una nueva cuenta de venmo nueva.

Herramientas necesarias para cardar Venmo

Antes de comenzar a cardar venmo, necesitará las siguientes herramientas listas.
  1. Dispositivo nuevo que nunca ha tenido Venmo instalado (se recomienda $ 25 + androides Walmart o dollar tree)
  2. Btc o PayPal para # sitio
  3. Buena tarjeta de débito CC
  4. Eliminar cuenta con tarjeta Venmo

Comencemos a Crarding Venmo.

* Texto oculto: no se puede citar. *

Cosas importantes a tener en cuenta al cardar Venmo

  1. Solo puede vincular tres tarjetas a cada cuenta de venmo y no más, incluso si elimina las cuentas.
  2. Tienes que cerrar las cuentas a medida que las usas para crear las nuevas y al principio solo te permite enviar 300. Sin embargo, si verifica usando Facebook o ingresando los últimos 4 dígitos del número de seguro social, DOB y Zip, obtienes 3000 por semana. Esta información se puede obtener fácilmente.
  3. Solo use su información, incluida la información bancaria, en la última cuenta de captura total para que pueda retirar dinero.
  4. Le permite adjuntar tarjetas de crédito y débito, incluida American Express. Es instantáneo, rápido y en un día puede crear cuatro cuentas y ganar más de 12k


Reaction score

What is Venmo?

Venmo is a type of peer-to-peer payment platform. It's a mobile app that enables sending money easily among friends. No credit card, no wallet, no fees and no nagging for unpaid drinks required. Just link the app to a debit card and spend away.
Venmo has a weekly spending limit of $3,000. Download the app and all you need to sign up is a google voice number and valid email address.
Once you've signed in, you can attach up to three credit or debit cards to Venmo and the money will go instantly and appear in your destination email address.
Once you sign up for a venmo account the money appears as cash in the new account. What I did was sign up for the first account, send the money to another email address and then closed the first account and signed up using the email containing money for a second account.
After that the balance on my account was $3k in cash. Now remember you can sign up for as many accounts as you want, so three accounts would mean $9000 in one day being sent to this one email account. At the end you would get 9000 in a new fresh venmo account.

Tools required to card Venmo

Before you start carding venmo you'll need the following tools ready.
  1. Fresh device that has never had Venmo installed on it ($25+ androids Walmart or dollar tree recommended)
  2. Btc or PayPal for # site
  3. Good CC debit card
  4. Drop account with Venmo card

Let's begin Crarding Venmo.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Importance things to NOTE while carding Venmo

  1. You can only link three cards to each venmo account and no more even if you remove the accounts.
  2. You have to close the accounts as you use them to create the new ones and at first it only lets you send 300. However if you verify using facebook or entering the last 4 digits of social security number, DOB and Zip, you get 3000 per week. This info is easily obtainable.
  3. Only use your info including bank info on the last catch all account so you can cash out.
  4. It allows you to attach credit and debit cards including american express. It is instant, quick, and in one day you can create four accounts and make over 12k
That’s cool
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