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💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.


瞧,事实是,您甚至不需要一张活卡来检查它是否支持 3DS。这对我们意味着什么?这只是意味着我们不需要采购一堆卡来测试它们是否是 3DS。我们只需从 BIN 生成一堆卡,对每张卡运行 3DS 检查,然后砰!我们得到了一台运转良好的机器,它可以为我们检查 3DS,而无需花一分钱购买卡。

View attachment 6327


  • BIN 生成:从您感兴趣的 BIN 的前 6-8 位数字开始。然后使用该 BIN 生成大量可能的卡号。确保它们通过 Luhn 算法检查 - 我们这里并不是完全野蛮的人。
  • 批处理:获取生成的数字列表并对其进行 3DS 检查。还记得我们之前介绍过该过程吗?是的,同样的道理也适用于此。
  • 分析:查看结果。如果 BIN 生成的大多数数字都不是 VBV,那么你可能已经找到了宝藏。如果它们都命中 3DS,那么运气就不好了。
  • 冲洗并重复:对多个 BIN 执行此操作,您将开始构建一个比您想象的更大的 VBV 与非 VBV BIN 数据库。


因为我太爱你们了,所以我专门为你们制作并托管了一个脚本。只需将 BIN 粘贴到框中,单击生成,它就会吐出生成的卡片,然后您可以在检查器上检查这些卡片(如果您按照我们的第一部分操作)或在Lux上检查,无论你选择哪种 3DS 检查器。

View attachment 6328


* 隐藏文字:无法引用。*

现在不要以为我是你的个人代码猴。这是一次性交易,所以请明智地使用它。该脚本根据你输入的 BIN 生成卡片,并附上到期日期和 CVV。这不是火箭科学,但它可以为你省去编写自己的代码的麻烦。

现在,你用这些生成的卡做什么是你的事。用你的 3DS 检查器运行它们,将它们提供给 Lux,将它们用作壁纸。请记住 - 生成卡与拥有真正的、可用的卡不同。不要成为试图用它们进行实际购买的笨蛋。我们只用它们来验证 BIN 是否是 3DS/VBV。


所以,这就是一种方法,无需花一分钱购买实际卡牌即可绘制 3DS 景观。非常聪明,对吧?但不要因此而失去理智。这不是某种能让你突然成为华尔街之狼的魔杖。它是一种工具,就像任何工具一样,如果你不小心,它可以为你建立一个帝国,也可以切断你的手指


现在就开始构建 BIN 数据库吧。只要付出足够的努力,你就会拥有一份路线图,让你成为非 VBV 天堂之王。

Reaction score
💳 获取 NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS(第 2 部分)(无卡方法 + 脚本)💳

好吧,混蛋们,如果你想知道为什么这是第 2 部分,第 1 部分到底去了哪里,那是因为我当时喝醉了,不小心把它从存在中抹去了。但不要生气——我会复活那个混蛋,并在本指南之后发布它。现在,我们直接进入正题

虽然第一部分都是关于检查卡的VBV/3DS状态,但本指南更进了一步。我们正在讨论一种无需任何卡即可检查任何BIN的方法。没错,您可以在考虑购买之前查看整个卡的范围。不再浪费钱购买劣质品 - 您将找到完美的 BIN,而无需花一分钱。

View attachment 6324
所以放下那杯温啤酒,擦掉手指上的 Cheeto 粉尘,集中注意力。这不仅仅是一些理论上的废话 - 而是可以节省您的时间、金钱和大量麻烦的实用知识。准备好升级您的 BIN 游戏了吗?让我们开始吧。

3DS 流程

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现在您已经了解了我们来这里的原因,为了充分掌握我们的方法,让我们深入了解支付处理器如何仅通过查看其 BIN 来确定卡是否支持 3DS。这个过程不是黑魔法 - 它完全是关于数据库实时查找和大量后端处理。我本来应该在第一部分中介绍这一点,但由于我现在正在做这件事,所以我将在这里解决这个问题。

  • 数据库:您需要意识到这些处理器并不是盲目的。他们直接从银行获得了详细的数据库,其中包含有关每个 BIN 的信息。我们谈论的是 3DS 支持、欺诈风险级别、发行人政策 - 整个包。而且他们会定期更新这些信息。
  • 实时处理:发起交易时,处理器会提取 BIN 并在几毫秒内根据数据库运行该数据。但有时他们不相信自己的数据。对于高风险交易或当他们感到格外谨慎时,他们会实时联系信用卡网络甚至发卡银行。
  • 目录服务器:这是目录服务器 (DS) 的用武之地。处理器查询此 DS,然后与发行者通信以获得关于是否需要 3DS 以及他们正在使用哪个版本的最终决定。
  • 交易完成:如果 BIN 不支持 3DS 或发行人认为没有必要,则交易无需额外的安全措施即可完成。



Binners 是信用卡世界中的底层。这些白痴认为他们很聪明,因为他们可以拿一个 BIN,随便打上一些随机数,然后祈祷 RNGesus 让他们的组合之一奏效。这就像玩彩票,只不过奖品很差,中奖几率甚至更低。

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他们的“天才”过程如下:从有效的 BIN 开始,为剩余的数字生成大量可能的组合,然后通过一些不靠谱的检查器运行这些组合,并希望有结果。这就像用叉子吃汤一样有效,但偶尔,他们会很幸运。


瞧,当垃圾桶工人忙着往墙上扔东西希望有东西粘住时,我们会聪明地处理这件事。我们将他们的 BIN 生成技术与我们对 3DS 检查的了解结合起来。结果是一种无需花一分钱购买卡片即可确定整个 BIN 范围的 VBV 状态的方法。


瞧,事实是,您甚至不需要一张活卡来检查它是否支持 3DS。这对我们意味着什么?这只是意味着我们不需要采购一堆卡来测试它们是否是 3DS。我们只需从 BIN 生成一堆卡,对每张卡运行 3DS 检查,然后砰!我们得到了一台运转良好的机器,它可以为我们检查 3DS,而无需花一分钱购买卡。

View attachment 6327


  • BIN 生成:从您感兴趣的 BIN 的前 6-8 位数字开始。然后使用该 BIN 生成大量可能的卡号。确保它们通过 Luhn 算法检查 - 我们这里并不是完全野蛮的人。
  • 批处理:获取生成的数字列表并对其进行 3DS 检查。还记得我们之前介绍过该过程吗?是的,同样的道理也适用于此。
  • 分析:查看结果。如果 BIN 生成的大多数数字都不是 VBV,那么你可能已经找到了宝藏。如果它们都命中 3DS,那么运气就不好了。
  • 冲洗并重复:对多个 BIN 执行此操作,您将开始构建一个比您想象的更大的 VBV 与非 VBV BIN 数据库。


因为我太爱你们了,所以我专门为你们制作并托管了一个脚本。只需将 BIN 粘贴到框中,单击生成,它就会吐出生成的卡片,然后您可以在检查器上检查这些卡片(如果您按照我们的第一部分操作)或在Lux上检查,无论你选择哪种 3DS 检查器。

View attachment 6328


* 隐藏文字:无法引用。*

现在不要以为我是你的个人代码猴。这是一次性交易,所以请明智地使用它。该脚本根据你输入的 BIN 生成卡片,并附上到期日期和 CVV。这不是火箭科学,但它可以为你省去编写自己的代码的麻烦。

现在,你用这些生成的卡做什么是你的事。用你的 3DS 检查器运行它们,将它们提供给 Lux,将它们用作壁纸。请记住 - 生成卡与拥有真正的、可用的卡不同。不要成为试图用它们进行实际购买的笨蛋。我们只用它们来验证 BIN 是否是 3DS/VBV。


所以,这就是一种方法,无需花一分钱购买实际卡牌即可绘制 3DS 景观。非常聪明,对吧?但不要因此而失去理智。这不是某种能让你突然成为华尔街之狼的魔杖。它是一种工具,就像任何工具一样,如果你不小心,它可以为你建立一个帝国,也可以切断你的手指


现在就开始构建 BIN 数据库吧。只要付出足够的努力,你就会拥有一份路线图,让你成为非 VBV 天堂之王。



Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.


瞧,事实是,您甚至不需要一张活卡来检查它是否支持 3DS。这对我们意味着什么?这只是意味着我们不需要采购一堆卡来测试它们是否是 3DS。我们只需从 BIN 生成一堆卡,对每张卡运行 3DS 检查,然后砰!我们得到了一台运转良好的机器,它可以为我们检查 3DS,而无需花一分钱购买卡。

View attachment 6327


  • BIN 生成:从您感兴趣的 BIN 的前 6-8 位数字开始。然后使用该 BIN 生成大量可能的卡号。确保它们通过 Luhn 算法检查 - 我们这里并不是完全野蛮的人。
  • 批处理:获取生成的数字列表并对其进行 3DS 检查。还记得我们之前介绍过该过程吗?是的,同样的道理也适用于此。
  • 分析:查看结果。如果 BIN 生成的大多数数字都不是 VBV,那么你可能已经找到了宝藏。如果它们都命中 3DS,那么运气就不好了。
  • 冲洗并重复:对多个 BIN 执行此操作,您将开始构建一个比您想象的更大的 VBV 与非 VBV BIN 数据库。


因为我太爱你们了,所以我专门为你们制作并托管了一个脚本。只需将 BIN 粘贴到框中,单击生成,它就会吐出生成的卡片,然后您可以在检查器上检查这些卡片(如果您按照我们的第一部分操作)或在Lux上检查,无论你选择哪种 3DS 检查器。

View attachment 6328


* 隐藏文字:无法引用。*

现在不要以为我是你的私人代码猴。这是一次性交易,所以请明智地使用它。该脚本根据你输入的 BIN 生成卡片,并附上到期日期和 CVV。这不是火箭科学,但它可以为你省去编写自己的代码的麻烦。

现在,你用这些生成的卡做什么是你的事。用你的 3DS 检查器运行它们,将它们提供给 Lux,将它们用作壁纸。请记住 - 生成卡与拥有真正的、可用的卡不同。不要成为试图用它们进行实际购买的笨蛋。我们只用它们来验证 BIN 是否是 3DS/VBV。


所以,这就是一种方法,无需花一分钱购买实际卡牌即可绘制 3DS 景观。非常聪明,对吧?但不要因此而失去理智。这不是某种能让你突然成为华尔街之狼的魔杖。它是一种工具,就像任何工具一样,如果你不小心,它可以为你建立一个帝国,也可以切断你的手指


现在就开始构建 BIN 数据库吧。只要付出足够的努力,你就会拥有一份路线图,让你成为非 VBV 天堂之王。

I Try


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.
Good stuff


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.
Great read


Reaction score


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

View attachment 6324
So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

View attachment 6325

Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

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Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

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Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

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Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.
💳 Getting NONVBV/NON-3DS BINS (Part 2) (No Cards Method + Script) 💳

Alright fuckers, if youre wondering why this is Part 2 and where the hell Part 1 went, I was piss drunk and accidentally nuked it from existence. But dont get your panties in a twist - Ill resurrect that bastard and post it after this guide. For now, were diving straight into the good shit.

While the first part was all about checking the VBV/3DS status of your cards, this guide takes it up a notch. Were talking about a method to check any BIN without even having any cards. Thats right, you can scope out entire ranges of cards before you even think about buying them. No more wasting money on duds - youll be finding the perfect BIN without spending a single dollar.

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So put down that warm beer, wipe the Cheeto dust off your fingers and pay attention. This isnt just some theoretical bullshit - its practical knowledge thatll save you time, money and a whole lot of headaches. Ready to level up your BIN game? Lets fucking go.

The 3DS Process

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Now that you understand why were here, in order to fully grasp our method, lets dive into how payment processors figure out if a card supports 3DS just by looking at its BIN. The process isnt black magic - its all about databases, real-time lookups, and a shitload of backend processing. I wouldve covered this on the first part already, but since Im making this now Ill just tackle this here.

  • Databases: You need to realize that these processors arent flying blind. Theyve got detailed databases straight from the banks, packed with info on every BIN out there. Were talking 3DS support, fraud risk levels, issuer policies - the whole package. And they keep this shit updated regularly.
  • Real-time processing: When a transaction is initiated, the processor extracts the BIN and runs it against their database in milliseconds. But sometimes they dont trust their own data. For high-risk transactions or when theyre feeling extra cautious, theyll reach out in real-time to card networks or even the issuing bank.
  • Directory Server: This is where the Directory Server (DS) comes in. The processor queries this DS, which then communicates with the issuer to get the final word on whether 3DS is needed and what version theyre using.
  • Transaction completion: If the BIN doesnt support 3DS or the issuer decides its not necessary, the transaction goes through without the extra security bullshit.


Lets take a step back and talk about binners for a second. We covered these dipshits on another forum, but for those who missed it, heres the lowdown.

Binners are the bottom-feeders of the carding world. These idiots think theyre clever because they can take a BIN, slap on some random numbers, and pray to RNGesus that one of their combinations works. Its like playing the lottery, except the prizes are shitty and the odds are even worse.

View attachment 6326

Heres their "genius" process: Start with a valid BIN, generate a fuckton of possible combinations for the remaining digits, then run these through some janky checker and hope something sticks. Its about as effective as using a fork to eat soup, but every now and then, they get lucky.

But heres the thing - these binner morons accidentally stumbled onto something useful. They found a way to test BINs without having actual cards. And thats where we come in. Were gonna take their half-assed idea and turn it into something actually fucking valuable.

See, while binners are busy throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks, were gonna be smart about it. Well combine their BIN generation technique with our knowledge of 3DS checking. The result is a method to scope out entire BIN ranges for VBV status without spending a dime on cards.

The Process

See, the truth of the matter is you dont even need a live card to check if it supports 3DS. What does that mean for us? It simply means we dont need to source and purchase a bunch of cards just to test if they are 3DS. We simply generate a bunch of cards from the BIN run a 3DS check on each and bam! We got a well-oiled machine that checks the 3DS for us without spending a dime on buying cards.

View attachment 6327

Heres how this shit works:

  • BIN Generation: Start with the first 6-8 digits of the BIN youre interested in. Then generate a fuckton of possible card numbers using that BIN. Make sure they pass the Luhn algorithm check - were not complete savages here.
  • Batch Processing: Take your list of generated numbers and run them through a 3DS check. Remember how we covered that process earlier? Yeah same shit applies here.
  • Analysis: Look at the results. If most of the generated numbers from a BIN come back as non-VBV youve probably struck gold. If theyre all hitting 3DS well tough luck buttercup.
  • Rinse and Repeat: Do this for multiple BINs and youll start building a database of VBV vs non-VBV BINs larger than you can imagine.

The Script

Since I love you guys so much, I made and hosted a script just for you. Simply paste the BINs in the box, click generate and it will spit out generated cards that you can then check on your checker (if you followed our first part) or on Lux and whatever the fuck kind of 3DS checker you settled on.

View attachment 6328

Heres the link to the generator:

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Now dont go thinking Im your personal code monkey. This is a one-time deal, so use it wisely. The script generates cards based on the BINs you input, complete with expiration dates and CVVs. Its not rocket science, but itll save you the hassle of writing your own shit.

Now, what you do with these generated cards is your business. Run them through your 3DS checker, feed them to Lux, use them as wallpaper for all I care. Just remember - generating cards isnt the same as having real, working cards. Dont be the dipshit who tries to use these for actual purchases. Were only using these to validate if the BINs are 3DS/VBV.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it - a method to map the 3DS landscape without spending a dime on actual cards. Pretty fucking clever, right? But dont let it go to your head. This isnt some magic wand thatll suddenly make you the Wolf of Wall Street. Its a tool, and like any tool, it can build you an empire or slice off your fingers if youre not careful.

Use this knowledge wisely, or dont. Just dont come crying when you fuck it up. Youve been warned.

Now get out there and start building that BIN database. With enough work, youll have a roadmap thatll make you the king of non-VBV paradise.

Class dismissed. Make me proud, you beautiful bastards. d0ctrine out.
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