Carding Crypto: NFTs (Intermediate) 
degenerates. Were back with another installment of
Carding Crypto and this time were focusing on
If you thought
BitOff was
easy, prepare for a
challenge. This method isnt for
beginners. Were stepping into
intermediate territory so if youre still struggling with basic carding, go practice some more and come back when youre ready.
NFTs might seem like
old news with all the hype dying down. But heres the thing - where theres
chaos, theres
opportunity. And the
NFT market is still
chaotic as fuck.
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This method combines
NFTs with some classic carding techniques. Its not as
straightforward as
BitOff but the potential profit is significantly
higher. Were talking about turning your carded funds into digital 'art' that could net you a
lump of crypto.
So get ready. Were about to enter the world of
NFT fraud. Its time to learn how to
exploit this digital wild west.
The CVV to Crypto Pipeline
Lets get one thing straight - carding crypto isnt a walk in the fucking park. You cant just slap a
stolen cvv into
Coinbase and expect to walk away with a
fat stack of Bitcoin. Why? Because crypto exchanges arent run by
These platforms have too much at stake to play fast and loose with
credit card fraud. Theyre under constant investigations by
banks, and every
three letter agency you can think of. One smell of excessive
chargebacks and theyre royally
fucked. So they got
tight fraud detection systems.
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Thats why we need to think outside the box. The key to
successful crypto carding lies in
exploiting intermediary services - the middlemen between your
CVV and that
sweet, sweet crypto. These services tend to have more
relaxed security measures making them
prime targets for our operations.
NFTs - our digital bridge to cryptocurrency. These arent just
overpriced JPEGs anymore. Theyre our way to turning carded funds into something that can be
easily converted to crypto.
NFT marketplaces occupy this weird
gray area. Theyre not quite crypto exchanges but theyre not traditional e-commerce either. This blurred line creates
vulnerabilities we can
exploit. Many of these platforms are more focused on facilitating digital art transactions than implementing
robust fraud detection systems.
By targeting
NFT services - just like we did with
BitOff - were creating a
straightforward path to crypto. Heres the beauty of it: once youve carded an
NFT, youve got an asset thats
easily convertible to cryptocurrency. No need to jump through hoops or deal with
strict KYC processes. Youre now holding a digital asset that can be
quickly flipped for
Ethereum or whatever shitcoin is trending.
So pay attention. Class is in session.
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Now that you understand the concept, lets get you up to speed with real world example:
NiftyGateway. This platform is our
golden ticket to turning your carded funds into
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Back in 2021, while the world was losing its shit over
COVID, me and my crew were making
bank off this platform. We were hitting $5,000
NFTs like it was nothing and flipping them on
OpenSea for 80%. It was a
beautiful fucking time to be alive.
Now, Im not gonna lie -
NiftyGateway has
tightened up a bit since then. Theyve slapped on some
restrictions and the hype has died down. But dont you worry your pretty shitheads, because I just ran a test hours ago and this bitch still
So why
NiftyGateway? Its simple:
- They accept credit card payments for NFTs.
- Their fraud detection isnt as tight as dedicated crypto exchanges.
- The NFTs you buy can be easily transferred and sold on other platforms.
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This is exactly the kind of
intermediary service were looking for. Its not a direct
CVV to crypto pipeline but its the
next best thing. You card the
NFT on
NiftyGateway, then flip it for
ETH on
OpenSea or another marketplace.
The beauty of this method is its
flexibility. Even with the market cool down, theres still enough
volume and volatility in
NFTs to make this
profitable. Plus the constant influx of new collections means theres always
fresh meat to target.
Remember that this isnt some
skid level shit. You need to be on your
A game. Were talking
high quality cards,
rock-solid antidetect setups and the
patience to navigate the
NFT market.
In the next section, well break down the step-by-step process of
exploiting NiftyGateway. From account creation to carding your first
NFT, Ill show you how to turn those
stolen cards into
digital gold.
The most important asset in this
NFT carding game isnt your fancy antidetect setup or your premium proxies. Its knowing which fucking
NFTs to hit.
Back in the
golden days you could aim like a
drunk person at a urinal and still hit profit. Any
NFT would sell. But now? The hypes died down on
overpriced JPEGs. You need to be
smart about which
NFT youre carding unless you want to be left holding a
worthless digital bag.
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Heres the deal with
NiftyGateway (
NG): Its an artist centric platform. They dont push the meme or gaming
NFT bullshit that actually sells. These
pretentious hipsters focus on actual art pieces. So were limited in what we can hit. Do your homework. Read through the drops, check which artists are trending and view which
NFTs have actual trading activity. Youre not just a carder now - youre a fucking
art critic. Lmao.
The second most important requirement? An
enroll or a
Visa Alert card. See, after losing possibly hundreds and thousands to
NG has gotten a bit
paranoid and slapped on minicharge verification. Having access to the cards transaction history lets you
verify and buy from the secondary market. You can still use any card without verification, but youre limited to hitting new drops only at the time they drop.
So if youre stuck with a regular card and no way to verify, your best bet is to wait for a good artists drop.
NG will notify everyone ahead of time. Hit those on the drop date and pray to the
NFT gods that you picked a winner.
The rest of the requirements? Standard carding shit.
NG uses
Stripe, so ideally, you want a card you havent burned on other
Stripe stores. Pair that with a
solid antidetect setup and a
proxy that can handle
Stripe payments without shitting itself.
The Process
The process might look complex, but its pretty fucking
simple if you get a hang of it.
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Since they use
Stripe, well be using the cardholders email. This will help us tremendously
lower our fraud score when paying. If the card you have has no email, its still doable, as long as
Stripe Radar doesnt hate your guts.
Once youve signed up, dont just rush to buy shit. Roam around the site like youre window shopping at a mall you cant afford.
Stripe JS is embedded on all their pages, so this will help us
warm our identity, preventing other problems with payment later on.
After youve warmed your session for a good 5-8 minutes, head to your account settings and find the
Balance & Payment Methods area. Time to bind your card. As usual, be sure not to copy paste anything - type that shit in manually. Once your card is bound you can use it to pay for drops. If you want to buy from the secondary market (where the
real moneys at) youll need to verify it using the button beside it. Hitting it will prompt you for two charges theyve debited on the card. This is where your
enroll or
Visa Alerts setup comes in handy - use it to get these charges and verify your card.
Now that youve successfully bound and verified your card, youre free to buy from the secondary marketplace. Find a good
NFT but dont just pick any
digital turd. Check the artist and their activity on other marketplaces like
OpenSea to guarantee you can
flip this thing easily. Then make your move and buy.
Depending on
Stripes fraud assessment,
Radar might prompt you with
3DS. But if you followed all my steps and youre not using some
garbage tier card, youll rarely if ever, get hit with
3DS. Upon successful payment, your
NFT will be sitting pretty in your account.
Easy fucking peasy.
Advanced Concepts and Tricks
Empecemos con ese molesto
Nifty Hold .
NiftyGateway aplica un
congelamiento de 72 horas a
los NFT para las cuentas nuevas. Esto evitará que lo retires de la cadena durante 3 días. Pero no te preocupes. Mientras tu cuenta parezca legítima y no te hayas puesto un nombre
estúpido como "
ILOVECREDITCARDFRAUD666 ", no tendrás ningún problema. Usa este período de espera para comprar más
NFT o crear más cuentas.
Retirar es bastante
sencillo . Simplemente envíe el
NFT a cualquier dirección
ETH que controle. OpenSea es el pez gordo para vender estos JPEG. Así que simplemente colóquelo allí y espere a que llegue su dinero.
Ten cuidado con esas
molestas tarifas de transacción .
NiftyGateway intentará sacarte unos 2 dólares de tu tarjeta para retirar el dinero. Si tus tarjetas siguen activas, genial. Si no, tendrás que poner unos dólares en criptomonedas para cubrirlo. Es un precio pequeño a pagar por
blanquear los fondos de tu tarjeta y convertirlos en
Ahora, pasemos a las técnicas avanzadas. Aquí es donde separamos a los tiburones de los guppies . Solía realizar una pequeña maniobra que todavía podría funcionar; no la he probado recientemente, así que sígala con cuidado. Aquí está el procedimiento:
Texto oculto: no se puede citar.
¿Por qué pasar por estos obstáculos? Porque el dinero en efectivo llega a tu cuenta de vendedor
de NFT en
NG . Desde allí tienes opciones. Puedes usar estos fondos para comprar
NFT fuera de la cadena, lo que significa que tomas una pieza de basura de $1 en
OpenSea , la incluyes en la lista con el saldo que tenga tu cuenta de vendedor
de NG y luego la compras con tu cuenta
de NG . La propia cuenta de criptomonedas
de NG pagará a tu billetera directamente por el
NFT basura que acabas de vender a su cliente.
Este truco es potencialmente
ilimitado : puedes ponerle precio a ese
NFT en
NG por la cantidad que quieras. Además, pone los fondos en tus manos
al instante . Conozco a un tipo al que asesoré que hizo una
fortuna con este método.
Reflexiones finales
Muy bien, chicos. Hemos cubierto mucho en esta guía de tarjetas
NFT . Desde lo básico hasta lo más avanzado, ahora tienes las herramientas para convertir esas
tarjetas robadas en
dinero digital . Pero recuerda, este no es
un plan para hacerse rico rápidamente para
idiotas . Se necesitan
habilidades ,
paciencia y un par de agallas.
El mercado
de NFT es un salvaje oeste digital, listo para que lo aprovechemos los
cabrones inteligentes . Pero no durará para siempre.
Sáquele provecho mientras pueda, pero esté siempre atento a la próxima gran novedad.
Eso es solo el comienzo. Tenemos más en nuestra serie
Carding Crypto que hará que sus cerebros y billeteras crezcan
más . Desde
la explotación del protocolo
DeFi hasta
la manipulación de los casinos de criptomonedas , lo cubriremos todo. Mantenga sus ojos en el premio y sus navegadores antidetección listos.
El mundo de las criptomonedas es un
tesoro para los que compran tarjetas y apenas estamos empezando. Manténganse atentos, manténganse
alertas y, por el amor de Dios,
no vayan a la cárcel .
Más pronto.
d0ctrine fuera.