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🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

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Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

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Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

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First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
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Tiếp theo là xem bạn có thể thay đổi địa chỉ giao hàng sau khi mua hàng không. Đây là giấc mơ của những người chơi thẻ . Bạn đặt hàng với địa chỉ của chủ thẻ, khiến việc thanh toán và giao hàng khớp với nhau như một khách hàng tốt . Sau khi được chấp thuận, bạn chuyển thứ đó sang địa chỉ của mình.

Để kiểm tra điều này, hãy Google 'Thay đổi địa chỉ giao hàng [TÊN TRANG WEB]' hoặc truy cập Reddit . Tìm kiếm kinh nghiệm của những người khác. Nếu bạn cảm thấy quá kỹ lưỡng, hãy đặt một đơn hàng giá rẻ và tự mình thử sửa đổi. Không may mắn? Truy cập dịch vụ khách hàng và hỏi về việc thay đổi địa chỉ giao hàng của bạn. Phản hồi của họ sẽ cho bạn biết mọi thứ bạn cần biết.

Thời gian và chính sách phản hồi của dịch vụ khách hàng

Nói về dịch vụ khách hàng, hãy cảm nhận cách họ hoạt động. Họ có phản hồi nhanh không? Họ có sử dụng vé hoặc trò chuyện trực tiếp không? Thông tin này rất quan trọng nếu bạn cần thực hiện bất kỳ thao tác nào sau khi đặt hàng.

Hãy thử liên hệ với một câu hỏi nhảm nhí và xem họ mất bao lâu để trả lời. Hãy ghi chú giờ làm việc của họ nữa. Không gì tệ hơn việc đơn hàng bị treo lơ lửng vì bộ phận chăm sóc khách hàng không làm việc trong ngày.

Chính sách về Thẻ quà tặng và Hàng hóa kỹ thuật số
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Nếu bạn đang xem thẻ quà tặng hoặc hàng hóa kỹ thuật số, hãy chú ý thêm ở đây. Hãy xem xét chính sách của họ về việc thay đổi email người nhận cho các đơn hàng này. Tại sao? Bởi vì giống như sử dụng email của chủ thẻ cho các đơn hàng thông thường, bạn cũng có thể sử dụng nó cho các đơn hàng thẻ quà tặng.

Trò chơi ở đây là đặt hàng thẻ quà tặng vào email của chủ thẻ rồi chuyển sang email của bạn sau khi được chấp thuận. Amazon là ví dụ tốt nhất cho thủ thuật này nhưng nhiều trang web khác cũng mắc bẫy.

Hãy nhớ rằng, những kiểm tra bề mặt này chỉ là món khai vị. Chúng nhanh chóng và dễ dàng và thường có thể được thực hiện mà không gây ra bất kỳ cảnh báo nào . Nhưng đừng dừng lại ở đây. Đây chỉ là đặt nền tảng cho việc thăm dò kỹ thuật sâu hơn mà chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu tiếp theo.

Những lần kiểm tra này có vẻ cơ bản nhưng chúng đã cứu tôi nhiều lần đến mức tôi không thể đếm xuể. Đừng là kẻ ngốc bỏ qua bước này và lãng phí những tấm thẻ chất lượng cao vào những thứ vớ vẩn dễ tránh . Hãy dành thời gian, làm việc và chuẩn bị cho thành công trước khi bạn nghĩ đến việc nhấn nút thanh toán.

Trinh sát kỹ thuật

Bây giờ chúng ta đã tìm hiểu những điều cơ bản, hãy cùng khám phá khía cạnh kỹ thuật của recon. Về cơ bản, technical recon tóm lại là khám phá hai thông tin quan trọng: bộ xử lý thanh toán và hệ thống chống gian lận mà trang web triển khai.

Tại sao điều này lại quan trọng? Bởi vì biết những điều này cho phép chúng ta tùy chỉnh cách tiếp cận của mình với độ chính xác cao . Giả sử một trang web sử dụng Stripe . Nếu thẻ của bạn đã được chạy qua các cửa hàng do Stripe cung cấp khác (như Shopify ), bạn có thể muốn đưa những thẻ đó vào danh sách chờ cho lần truy cập này. Tại sao? Bởi vì Stripes có trí nhớ như một con voi và nó sẽ đánh dấu những thẻ đó nhanh chóng.

Các hệ thống chống gian lận khác nhau cũng có những điểm kỳ quặc khác nhau. Ví dụ, Forter rất chú trọng vào lịch sử giao dịch. Mặt khác, Signifyd coi địa chỉ email như thể chúng là chén thánh . Biết được những điểm kỳ quặc này có thể giúp hoặc phá hỏng hoạt động của bạn.

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Vậy làm thế nào để chúng ta khám phá ra mỏ vàng thông tin này? Chúng tôi có ba công cụ chính trong bộ công cụ của mình: Caido , Burp Suite và các công cụ phát triển Chrome cũ (cụ thể là tab Mạng).

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Những công cụ này cho phép chúng ta xem xét kỹ hơn một trang web, cho chúng ta thấy các yêu cầu và phản hồi bay qua lại giữa trình duyệt của chúng ta và hệ thống của họ. Giống như có tầm nhìn Xray cho các trang web. Chúng ta có thể thấy JavaScript nào họ đang đưa vào phiên của chúng ta, dữ liệu nào họ đang gửi theo cách của họ (như dấu vân tay của chúng ta hoặc thậm chí là chuyển động chuột chết tiệt của chúng ta) và nhiều hơn nữa.

CaidoBurp Suitenhững vũ khí lớn ở đây. Chúng là các proxy chặn đầy đủ tính năng cho phép bạn kiểm soát lưu lượng HTTP/S. Các công cụ phát triển Chrome mặc dù không mạnh bằng, nhưng được tích hợp ngay vào trình duyệt của bạn và vẫn có thể tiết lộ rất nhiều thứ hữu ích .

Bây giờ tôi biết một số bạn có thể đang thèm thuồng khi nghĩ đến việc đào sâu hơn vào những thứ kỹ thuật này. Nhưng hãy bình tĩnh. Giải thích những điều phức tạp của các công cụ này và cách diễn giải dữ liệu mà chúng đưa ra? Đó là một vấn đề hoàn toàn khác. Chúng ta sẽ ở đây cả ngày và tôi có những việc tốt hơn để làm hơn là viết một cuốn tiểu thuyết chết tiệt .

Vậy đây là thỏa thuận: chúng ta sẽ đề cập đến tất cả những thứ kỹ thuật hấp dẫn đó trong Phần 2 của hướng dẫn này. Chúng tôi sẽ xem xét từng công cụ, chỉ cho bạn cách sử dụng chúng và quan trọng nhất là cách diễn giải những gì bạn tìm thấy. Chúng tôi sẽ phân tích các ví dụ thực tế, chỉ cho bạn chính xác những gì cần tìm khi bạn tự mình trinh sát.

Bây giờ chỉ cần hiểu rằng những công cụ này tồn tại và chúng có thể làm gì cho bạn. Chúng là sự khác biệt giữa việc mù quáng và có bản thiết kế chết tiệt về khả năng phòng thủ của trang web.

Nguồn thứ cấp

Trong khi trinh sát kỹ thuật cung cấp cho bạn thông tin thực tế, các nguồn thứ cấp sẽ lấp đầy khoảng trống bằng thông tin tình báo thực tế. Đây là nơi bạn trở thành thám tử kỹ thuật số ghép nối các câu đố từ web.

Đầu tiên là hãy thực hành Google fu của bạn . Đừng chỉ tìm kiếm tên công ty, hãy đào sâu hơn. Tìm kiếm các báo cáo thường niên, thông cáo báo chí và blog công nghệ. Những thứ này có thể tiết lộ đủ thứ về hệ thống thanh toán, cập nhật bảo mật hoặc thậm chí là vi phạm dữ liệu của họ. Một công ty khoe khoang về công nghệ phát hiện gian lận mới do AI cung cấp ? Đó là tín hiệu để bạn thận trọng .

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Reddit và diễn đàn là vàng . Tìm kiếm tên trang web cùng với các từ khóa như vấn đề đơn hàng , ' gian lận ' hoặc ' khóa tài khoản '. Bạn sẽ tìm thấy một kho khách hàng tức giận mô tả trải nghiệm của họ. Tìm kiếm các mẫu. Nếu nhiều người dùng báo cáo rằng tài khoản của họ bị khóa sau khi thay đổi địa chỉ giao hàng, bạn biết cách tránh thủ thuật đó.

Đừng bỏ qua các diễn đàn nhỏ hơn. Đôi khi thông tin tình báo tốt nhất lại đến từ những nơi không ngờ tới. Tôi đã từng tìm thấy một điểm yếu lớn trong hệ thống của một nhà bán lẻ điện tử lớn được chôn giấu trong một chủ đề trên diễn đàn xây dựng PC.

Phương tiện truyền thông xã hội là cửa sổ của bạn vào các hoạt động dịch vụ khách hàng. Theo dõi TwitterFB của công ty . Xem cách họ phản hồi khiếu nại. Họ có nhanh chóng hoàn tiền không? Họ có đội chống gian lận chuyên dụng không ? Thông tin này có thể hữu ích khi lập kế hoạch chiến lược của bạn.

Kiểm tra danh sách việc làm của họ nữa. Một công ty tuyển dụng cho các vị trí phòng chống gian lận có thể đang thắt chặt . Một công ty sa thải nhóm phòng chống mất mát của họ có thể là mục tiêu dễ dàng .

Hãy nhớ rằng mục tiêu ở đây không chỉ là thu thập thông tin mà còn là có được bức tranh toàn cảnh về mục tiêu của bạn. Họ xử lý tranh chấp như thế nào? Điều gì kích hoạt báo động gian lận của họ? Những lỗ hổng nào mà những người khác đã khai thác thành công?

Đừng chỉ xem các bài đăng gần đây. Đôi khi thông tin cũ cũng có giá trị như vậy. Phòng chống gian lận của một công ty có thể đã thay đổi nhưng các chính sách cốt lõi vẫn giữ nguyên.

Tất cả những điều này đều cần thời gian và sự kiên nhẫn. Nhưng hãy tin tôi khi tôi nói rằng nó xứng đáng . Tôi đã thấy những người chơi bài kiếm được sáu con số chỉ vì họ tìm thấy một chi tiết nhỏ trong một bình luận trên Reddit một năm trước .

Đây không chỉ là việc không bị bắt - mà là việc tạo ra cách tiếp cận hoàn hảo . Bạn càng biết nhiều về mục tiêu của mình thì bạn càng có thể tùy chỉnh cách tiếp cận của mình. Có thể bạn phát hiện ra rằng họ dễ dãi với những khách hàng lần đầu hoặc họ không bao giờ kiểm tra đơn hàng dưới một số tiền nhất định. Đó là loại thông tin tình báo biến một cú đánh rủi ro thành một hoạt động suôn sẻ .

Vì vậy, trước khi bạn nghĩ đến việc đặt hàng, hãy làm bài tập về nhà. Tìm kiếm mọi ngóc ngách trên internet. Xây dựng hồ sơ về mục tiêu của bạn khiến CIA phải ghen tị. Bởi vì trong trò chơi này, thông tin không chỉ là quyền lực - mà còn là lợi nhuận .

Kết hợp tất cả lại với nhau

Được rồi, hãy quay lại vòng tròn đầy đủ. Chúng ta đã đề cập đến những điều cơ bản của trinh sát, từ kiểm tra bề mặt đến một chút thăm dò kỹ thuật và đào bới các nguồn thứ cấp. Nhưng biết những thứ này chỉ là một nửa câu chuyện. Kỹ năng thực sự là kết hợp tất cả thông tin tình báo này thành một chiến lược

Trước khi bạn nghĩ đến việc đặt hàng, hãy tổng hợp mọi thứ bạn đã học được về mục tiêu của mình. Tạo danh sách kiểm tra trước khi tấn công được thiết kế riêng cho trang web bạn sắp tấn công. Đây không chỉ là bài tập đánh dấu ô - mà là kế hoạch chiến đấu của bạn .

Danh sách kiểm tra của bạn phải bao gồm:
* Văn bản ẩn: không thể trích dẫn. *

Hãy nhớ rằng, trinh sát không phải là một thỏa thuận một lần rồi thôi. Bối cảnh đánh bài luôn thay đổi. Những gì hiệu quả ngày hôm qua có thể khiến bạn bị đánh dấu ngày hôm nay. Hãy luôn cảnh giác, giữ cho thông tin tình báo của bạn luôn mới mẻ và không bao giờ ngừng học hỏi.

Trong Phần 2, chúng ta sẽ đi sâu hơn vào khía cạnh kỹ thuật của trinh sát. Cho đến lúc đó, hãy bắt đầu thực hành các kỹ thuật này. Xây dựng kỹ năng của bạn, mài giũa bản năng của bạn và tiếp cận mọi đòn tấn công tiềm tàng như một người chuyên nghiệp.
Bởi vì trong trò chơi này, sự khác biệt giữa thành côngthất bại thường phụ thuộc vào công việc bạn làm trước khi nhấn nút thanh toán.


Bây giờ hãy ra ngoài và bắt đầu trinh sát như thể tiền của bạn phụ thuộc vào nó - bởi vì nó thực sự như vậy.
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🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

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Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

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Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.
Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.
i love these community thanks fam


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.
fire bro


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

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These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.
great, thanks


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

View attachment 5816

So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

View attachment 5815View attachment 5814

These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

View attachment 5817

Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

View attachment 5807

Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

View attachment 5842

Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

View attachment 5849

First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
View attachment 5811

Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
View attachment 5812

If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

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So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

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These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

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Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.


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🕵️The Art of Digital Reconnaissance: A Carder's Guide🕵️

For those who have been following my carding guides across forums, youre familiar with my emphasis on recon before hitting any site. The flood of DMs begging for a deeper dive into this process has finally worn me down. So here we are, about to dissect the art of digital reconnaissance.

This guide is Part 1 of our deep dive into recon. Well cover the basics and give you a taste of the technical approach. In the next installment, well go balls deep into the technical side, showing you how to use tools like Burp Suite and Caido to really understand what youre up against.

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Most rookie carders cant wait to test their shiny new cards, itching to rack up orders the moment they score some plastics. Thats an express ticket to getting your transactions blocked and your sorry ass flagged.

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Seasoned players understand the real battle happens long before you even think about that checkout button. Its about dissecting your target, understanding its workings and finding the weak spots. What security measures are you up against? Any exploitable flaws in their system? Which strategies have proven effective for others?

This guide is your crash course in mastering digital recon. Dont expect a step by step tutorial on 'Fraud for Dummies.' Were building the skills and mentality needed to analyze potential marks with surgical precision.

Well progress from surface level scans to a brief overview of technical probing. By the time were done with both parts you will be equipped to compile an extensive intel report on any site youre eyeing.

In this game information reigns supreme. The more data you collect the better your odds of a successful hit and the slimmer the chance of getting caught with your defenses down. So sharpen your focus - its time to evolve from fumbling amateur to digital mastermind

Why Recon?

So why is recon so crucial? Lets break it down. First off, it significantly boosts your success rates. Ive couldnt count how many times Ive witnessed idiots waste high-quality cards trying to brute force their way through a site when a simple recon wouldve revealed they were running extra verification that week due to increased fraud. Thats potentially thousands of dollars down the drain because someone couldnt be bothered to do their homework.

Recon also helps you avoid common pitfalls. Ever tried to card a site only to find out they use 3D Secure on every transaction? Or that they have a hard limit on purchase amounts for new accounts? Thats the kind of shit proper recon uncovers.

But perhaps most importantly, good recon lets you tailor your approach. Every site has its quirks, and one-size-fits-all carding is a recipe for failure. Take Walmart, for example. A surface-level check might show they allow post-purchase address changes. Dig deeper, and youd find out they only allow this for certain product categories. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on those specific categories, dramatically increasing your chances of a successful hit.

Let me drive this point home with a real-world example. Last month, some cocky bastard in one of my groups decided he was gonna hit a PC parts seller hard because he got lucky a bunch of times from it. He had a fresh batch of 50 cards, premium stuff, costing about $25 per card. Without doing any recon, he fired up his antidetect and started placing orders for high-end GPUs.

The result? 48 declines and cancellations out of 50 attempts. Turns out the site had recently partnered with Signifyd for fraud prevention, and they were scrutinizing high-value electronics orders like a jealous girlfriend checking her mans phone. This dipshit not only wasted more than a thousand dollars worth of cards, but also burned through gigabytes of residential proxies and wasted a good 2 days of his life. All because he couldnt be bothered to spend an hour doing proper recon.

Surface Level Checks

Alright before we dive into the technical shit,, lets talk about the basics. These surface level checks are your first line of recon and they can save your ass more times than youd think.

Email Verification Loopholes

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First up, check if you can sign up with any email without verification. This is fucking gold for several reasons. If a site lets you checkout with any email you can use the cardholders email. Why? Because it makes their fraud system cream its pants with joy. 'Oh look, its the same email weve seen a thousand times before! Must be legit!'

To check this just try signing up with a bullshit email. If it lets you proceed without sending a verification link, youre in business. This trick has saved my ass more times than I can count especially on sites with anal fraud detection.

Post-order Address Modification
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Next is to see if you can change the delivery address after purchase. This is a carders wet dream. You place the order with the cardholders address making billing and shipping match like a good little customer. Then once its approved, you switch that shit to your drop.

To check for this Google 'Change delivery address [SITE NAME]' or hit up Reddit. Look for other peoples experiences. If youre feeling extra thorough, place a cheapass order and try to modify it yourself. No luck? Hit up customer service and ask about changing your delivery address. Their response will tell you everything you need to know.

Customer Service Response Times and Policies

Speaking of customer service, get a feel for how they operate. Are they quick to respond? Do they use tickets or live chat? This info is crucial if you need to pull any postorder shit.

Try reaching out with a bullshit question and see how long it takes them to respond. Note their operating hours too. Nothings worse than having an order hanging in limbo because customer service is out for the day.

Gift Card and Digital Goods Policies
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If youre looking at gift cards or digital goods, pay extra attention here. Look into their policies on changing the recipients email for these orders. Why? Because just like using the cardholders email for regular orders you can use it for gift card orders too.

The play here is to order the gift card to the cardholders email then switch it to yours once its approved. Amazon is the best example for this trick but plenty of other sites fall for it too.

Remember, these surface level checks are just the appetizer. Theyre quick and easy and can often be done without raising any red flags. But dont stop here. This is just laying the groundwork for the deeper technical probing well get into next.

These checks might seem basic but theyve saved my ass more times than I can count. Dont be the idiot who skips this step and wastes high quality cards on easily avoidable bullshit. Take the time, do the work and set yourself up for success before you even think about hitting that checkout button.

Technical Recon

Now that weve covered the basics, lets dip our toes into the technical side of recon. At its core technical recon boils down to uncovering two crucial pieces of info: the payment processor and the antifraud system the site implements.

Why does this matter? Because knowing these allows us to customize our approach with surgical precision. Lets say a site uses Stripe. If your cards have been run through other Stripe powered stores (like Shopify), you might want to bench those cards for this hit. Why? Because Stripes got a memory like a fucking elephant and itll flag those cards fast.

Different antifraud systems have different quirks too. Forter for instance, gets a hard on for transaction history. Signifyd on the other hand, treats email addresses like theyre the holy grail. Knowing these quirks can make or break your operation.

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So how do we uncover this gold mine of info? Weve got three main tools in our toolkit: Caido, Burp Suite and the good old Chrome dev tools (specifically, the Network tab).

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These tools let us peek under the hood of a website, showing us the requests and responses flying back and forth between our browser and their system. Its like having Xray vision for websites. We can see what JavaScript theyre injecting into our session, what data were sending their way (like our fingerprint or even our damn mouse movements) and a whole lot more.

Caido and Burp Suite are the big guns here. Theyre full featured interception proxies that give you godlike control over HTTP/S traffic. Chrome dev tools while not as powerful, are built right into your browser and can still reveal a ton of useful shit.

Now I know some of you are probably salivating at the thought of diving deeper into this technical stuff. But hold your horses. Explaining the ins and outs of these tools and how to interpret the data they spit out? Thats a whole other beast. We would be here all day and Ive got better things to do than write a fucking novel.

So heres the deal: were gonna cover all that juicy technical shit in Part 2 of this guide. Well go through each tool, show you how to use them and most importantly, how to interpret what you find. Well dissect real world examples, showing you exactly what to look for when youre doing your own recon.

For now just understand that these tools exist and what they can do for you. Theyre the difference between going in blind and having a fucking blueprint of the sites defenses.

Secondary Sources

While technical recon gives you the facts secondary sources fill in the gaps with real world intel. This is where you become a digital detective piecing together the puzzle from the web.

First up is to practice your Google fu. Dont just search the company name, dig deeper. Look for annual reports,press releases and tech blogs. These can reveal all sorts of goodies about their payment systems, security updates or even data breaches. A company bragging about their new AI powered fraud detection? Thats your cue to be cautious.

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Reddit and forums are a gold. Search for the site name plus keywords like order problem, 'fraud' or 'account locked'. You will find a trove of angry customers descirbing their experiences. Look for patterns. If multiple users report getting their accounts locked after changing shipping addresses you know to avoid that trick.

Dont overlook smaller forums either. Sometimes the best intel comes from unexpected places. I once found a major weakness in a big electronics retailers system buried in a thread on a PC building forum.

Social media is your window into customer service practices. Follow the companys twitter and FB. Look at how they respond to complaints. Are they quick to offer refunds? Do they have a dedicated fraud team? This info can be useful when planning your strategy.

Check their job listings too. A company hiring for fraud prevention roles might be tightening up. A company laying off their loss prevention team might be an easy target.

Remember that the goal here isnt just to gather information but to get a full picture of your target. How do they handle disputes? What triggers their fraud alarms? What loopholes have others exploited successfully?

Dont just look at recent posts. Sometimes old information is just as valuable. A companys fraud prevention might have changed but core policies remain the same.

All this takes time and patiecne. But trust me when I say its worth it. Ive seen carders pull off six figure hits because they found one little detail in a year old Reddit comment.

This isnt just about not getting caught - its about crafting the perfect approach. The more you know about your target the more you can customize your approach. Maybe you find out theyre lenient with first time customers or they never check orders under a certain amount. Thats the kind of intel that turns a risky hit into a smooth operation.

So before you even think about placing an order, do your homework. Scour every corner of the internet. Build a profile on your target that would make the CIA jealous. Because in this game information isnt just power - its profit.

Putting It All Together

Okay, lets bring it full circle. Weve covered the basics of recon, from surface level checks to a little technical probing and digging through secondary sources. But knowing this stuff is only half the story. The real skill is combining all this intel into a strategy

Before you even think about placing an order, compile everything youve learned about your target. Create a pre-hit checklist tailored specifically to the site youre about to hit. This isnt just some box-ticking exercise - its your battle plan.

Your checklist should cover:
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Remember, recon isnt a one-and-done deal. The carding landscape is always shifting. What worked yesterday might get you flagged today. Stay on your toes, keep your intel fresh, and never stop learning.

In Part 2, well dive deeper into the technical side of recon. Until then, start practicing these techniques. Build your skills, sharpen your instincts, and approach every potential hit like a professional.
Because in this game, the difference between success and failure often comes down to the work you do before you ever touch that checkout button.


Now get out there and start reconing like your money depends on it - because it fucking does. d0ctrine out.
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