CC Store ⭐⭐⭐ LUKICROWN CC SHOP ⭐⭐⭐ ---| Reliability, Efficiency and Kindness |--- Powerful and Believable Partner!


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"STUDIED" MIXED 81% [25th Oct, 05:37] (Discount 30%)
Total: 678
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 81%
Refundable: No
Price: 5.6 - 5.6$

"LOADED" 85% [25th Oct, 14:14] (Discount 30%)
Total: 450
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 8.4 - 8.4$

"HIGHER" MIXED 85% [25th Oct, 11:11] (Discount 30%)
Total: 417
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"AMBIENT" 75% REF [25th Nov, 07:08] (Discount 20%)
Total: 541
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"IDOL" MIXED 85% REF [25th Nov, 07:09] (Discount 20%)
Total: 455
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 13.6$

"NAVAL" MIXED 88% REF [25th Nov, 08:09] (Discount 20%)
Total: 140
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.6 - 16.0$

"IVORY" MIXED 85% REF [25th Nov, 11:15] (Discount 20%)
Total: 553
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"HARTFORD" MIXED 75% REF [25th Nov, 14:23] (Discount 20%)
Total: 209
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"FURNITURE" 80% REF [10th Dec, 13:16] (Discount 10%)
Total: 368
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"BRAIN" 82% REF [10th Dec, 03:41] (Discount 10%)
Total: 497
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"READY" 75% REF [10th Dec, 10:07] (Discount 10%)
Total: 491
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 22.9$

"PLUSH" MIXED 75% REF [10th Dec, 11:31] (Discount 10%)
Total: 379
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.3 - 6.3$

"EROTICA" MIXED 86% REF [10th Dec, 08:25] (Discount 10%)
Total: 397
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"CLOSURE" 82% REF [10th Dec, 10:42] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1040
Country: US
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"VOLVO" MIXED 86% REF [10th Dec, 09:59] (Discount 10%)
Total: 704
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"RELAY" 85% REF [10th Dec, 13:53] (Discount 10%)
Total: 427
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"TEMPLATE" 76% REF [10th Dec, 20:38] (Discount 10%)
Total: 813
Country: US
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 22.9$

"CAMERON" MIXED 78% REF [10th Dec, 15:10] (Discount 10%)
Total: 478
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"FOREVER" MIXED 82% REF [26th Dec, 08:46]
Total: 375
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3 - 17$

"ACHIEVER" MIXED 85% REF [26th Dec, 08:49]
Total: 901
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 10 - 10$

"GOLF" MIXED 88% REF [26th Dec, 10:36]
Total: 1025
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 25$

"BOOST" MIXED 78% REF [26th Dec, 15:04]
Total: 417
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4 - 10$

"TAG" 80% REF [26th Dec, 15:10]
Total: 1084
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
The service is on maintenance, we will be back within a week.

Happy New Year 2025!

Stay tuned for updates, and we look forward to serving you better in the new year!


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"LUCK" MIXED 85% REF [3rd Jan, 09:03]
Total: 971
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 25$

"EXTRAVEHICULAR" 85% [27th Oct, 19:06] (Discount 30%)
Total: 492
Country: GB
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 8.4 - 8.4$

"EXCITED" 80% [27th Oct, 14:20] (Discount 30%)
Total: 103
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.9 - 4.9$

"CELESTIAL" MIXED 82% [28th Oct, 17:10] (Discount 30%)
Total: 1437
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 8.4$

"NORMALLY" 72% [28th Oct, 05:42] (Discount 30%)
Total: 867
Country: US
Valid Rate: 72%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 2.1$

"ELITE" MIXED 85% [27th Oct, 11:36] (Discount 30%)
Total: 408
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"PRADA" MIXED 65% [28th Oct, 09:39] (Discount 30%)
Total: 584
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 65%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"HIP" MIXED 65% [28th Oct, 16:37] (Discount 30%)
Total: 1008
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 65%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"GROWING" MIXED 83% [28th Oct, 17:11] (Discount 30%)
Total: 350
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 14.0$

"STARGAZING" 86% [29th Oct, 02:33] (Discount 30%)
Total: 306
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"ENDURING" 80% [29th Oct, 02:35] (Discount 30%)
Total: 313
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 5.6 - 5.6$

"BALLET" MIXED NO-INFO 80% [28th Oct, 18:56] (Discount 30%)
Total: 170
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.8 - 2.8$

"RARELY" MIXED 65% [30th Oct, 17:07] (Discount 30%)
Total: 445
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 65%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 8.4$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"SAFER" MIXED 85% [28th Oct, 18:18] (Discount 30%)
Total: 459
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"DOUBLE" MIXED 81% [29th Oct, 14:31] (Discount 30%)
Total: 287
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 81%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 7.0$

"EXPRESS" MIXED 75% [29th Oct, 07:51] (Discount 30%)
Total: 172
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: No
Price: 10.5 - 10.5$

"FREELANCE" MIXED 80% [29th Oct, 15:23] (Discount 30%)
Total: 285
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 8.4$

"MERCEDES" MIXED 84% [29th Oct, 15:13] (Discount 30%)
Total: 440
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"EXPERT" 80% [30th Oct, 09:23] (Discount 30%)
Total: 507
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"OXFORDS" MIXED 81% [30th Oct, 09:25] (Discount 30%)
Total: 286
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 81%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 9.1$

"JACKIE" MIXED 85% [30th Oct, 17:31] (Discount 30%)
Total: 402
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"INITIATIVE" MIXED 80% [30th Oct, 15:58] (Discount 30%)
Total: 243
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 7.0$

"UPDATING" MIXED 80% [1st Nov, 00:58] (Discount 30%)
Total: 356
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"TOUR" MIXED 80% [1st Nov, 00:57] (Discount 30%)
Total: 424
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"TOM" MIXED 80% [1st Nov, 00:56] (Discount 30%)
Total: 451
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"KEEPING" 80% [1st Nov, 05:38] (Discount 30%)
Total: 521
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 2.1$

"GREATER" MIXED 85% [31st Oct, 11:13] (Discount 30%)
Total: 409
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"WORTHINESS" 72% [1st Nov, 14:10] (Discount 30%)
Total: 245
Country: US
Valid Rate: 72%
Refundable: No
Price: 7.0 - 7.0$

"REDUCTION" MIXED 80% [1st Nov, 09:02] (Discount 30%)
Total: 242
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 7.0$

"PURPLE" MIXED 85% [1st Nov, 13:39] (Discount 30%)
Total: 401
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"WORLDCAT" MIXED 82% [1st Nov, 13:38] (Discount 30%)
Total: 501
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 11.9$

"SPIRIT" MIXED 83% [2nd Nov, 12:58] (Discount 30%)
Total: 401
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"TENSE" 75% [3rd Nov, 01:37] (Discount 30%)
Total: 965
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: No
Price: 5.6 - 7.0$

"ASSISTANCE" MIXED 76% REF [27th Nov, 14:26] (Discount 20%)
Total: 328
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"VERTEX" MIXED 75% REF [28th Nov, 13:46] (Discount 20%)
Total: 324
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"INFORMAL" MIXED 75% REF [29th Nov, 14:51] (Discount 20%)
Total: 383
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"WALT" MIXED 83% REF [27th Nov, 01:43] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1230
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"WEDNESDAY" MIXED 78% REF [27th Nov, 00:54] (Discount 20%)
Total: 599
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"BASEMENT" 82% REF [27th Nov, 14:57] (Discount 20%)
Total: 979
Country: US
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"BOOSTER" 88% REF [27th Nov, 08:19] (Discount 20%)
Total: 570
Country: US
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 12.0$

"COMPLETED" 90% REF [27th Nov, 06:49] (Discount 20%)
Total: 2522
Country: US
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.6 - 9.6$

"RATING" 75% REF [27th Nov, 12:22] (Discount 20%)
Total: 969
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"HINDU" MIXED 85% REF [27th Nov, 08:54] (Discount 20%)
Total: 419
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 13.6$

"SNOWBOARD" MIXED 85% REF [27th Nov, 10:00] (Discount 20%)
Total: 532
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"SAMPLING" 83% REF [27th Nov, 15:26] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1098
Country: US
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"ALERT" MIXED 80% REF [27th Nov, 18:00] (Discount 20%)
Total: 949
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"CONFIRMED" 78% REF [29th Nov, 08:49] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1161
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"HANDBAGS" MIXED 84% REF [28th Nov, 07:47] (Discount 20%)
Total: 445
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 13.6$

"ACTIVATION" 90% [28th Nov, 08:23] (Discount 20%)
Total: 118
Country: US
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: No
Price: 13.6 - 13.6$

"VIP" MIXED 86% REF [28th Nov, 10:15] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1016
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"WEARABLE" MIXED 87% REF [29th Nov, 11:36] (Discount 20%)
Total: 190
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 4.8$

"INTERSTELLAR" 75% REF [29th Nov, 13:44] (Discount 20%)
Total: 314
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"WORKED" 82% REF [29th Nov, 11:36] (Discount 20%)
Total: 231
Country: US
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.8$

"NURSERY" 90% REF [29th Nov, 08:45] (Discount 20%)
Total: 277
Country: US
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 14.7$

"LEGENDARY" MIXED 86% REF [29th Nov, 08:56] (Discount 20%)
Total: 445
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 13.6$

"CROWD" MIXED 88% REF [29th Nov, 09:53] (Discount 20%)
Total: 513
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"MAXIMUM" 82% REF [30th Nov, 18:11] (Discount 20%)
Total: 285
Country: US
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"COMPLIANT" 75% REF [30th Nov, 19:46] (Discount 20%)
Total: 614
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"LEADER" 80% REF [30th Nov, 12:28] (Discount 20%)
Total: 218
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 6.4$

"THINKPAD" MIXED 78% REF [1st Dec, 12:14] (Discount 20%)
Total: 505
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"IPS" MIXED 83% REF [30th Nov, 09:12] (Discount 20%)
Total: 475
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 13.6$

"NURSING" MIXED 90% REF [30th Nov, 14:17] (Discount 20%)
Total: 238
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 12.3$

"VICTORIA" MIXED 87% REF [30th Nov, 10:19] (Discount 20%)
Total: 512
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"CONFIRM" 80% REF [30th Nov, 20:40] (Discount 20%)
Total: 570
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"VIPER" 85% REF [1st Dec, 10:33] (Discount 20%)
Total: 562
Country: US
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"TEACH" 80% REF [1st Dec, 10:34] (Discount 20%)
Total: 686
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"STOCK" MIXED 76% REF [30th Nov, 18:02] (Discount 20%)
Total: 378
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"DESK" 79% REF [1st Dec, 13:58] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1695
Country: US
Valid Rate: 79%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"AMBITIOUS" 92% [30th Nov, 22:58] (Discount 20%)
Total: 106
Country: US
Valid Rate: 92%
Refundable: No
Price: 13.6 - 13.6$

"ORGANIZING" 75% REF [2nd Dec, 06:13] (Discount 20%)
Total: 668
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"LEGENDARY" 85% REF [1st Dec, 07:00] (Discount 20%)
Total: 255
Country: US
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 7.2$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"CROWD" MIXED 88% REF [29th Nov, 09:53] (Discount 20%)
Total: 513
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"MAXIMUM" 82% REF [30th Nov, 18:11] (Discount 20%)
Total: 285
Country: US
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"COMPLIANT" 75% REF [30th Nov, 19:46] (Discount 20%)
Total: 614
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"LEADER" 80% REF [30th Nov, 12:28] (Discount 20%)
Total: 218
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 6.4$

"THINKPAD" MIXED 78% REF [1st Dec, 12:14] (Discount 20%)
Total: 505
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"IPS" MIXED 83% REF [30th Nov, 09:12] (Discount 20%)
Total: 475
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 13.6$

"NURSING" MIXED 90% REF [30th Nov, 14:17] (Discount 20%)
Total: 238
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 12.3$

"VICTORIA" MIXED 87% REF [30th Nov, 10:19] (Discount 20%)
Total: 512
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"CONFIRM" 80% REF [30th Nov, 20:40] (Discount 20%)
Total: 570
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"VIPER" 85% REF [1st Dec, 10:33] (Discount 20%)
Total: 562
Country: US
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"TEACH" 80% REF [1st Dec, 10:34] (Discount 20%)
Total: 686
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"STOCK" MIXED 76% REF [30th Nov, 18:02] (Discount 20%)
Total: 378
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"DESK" 79% REF [1st Dec, 13:58] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1695
Country: US
Valid Rate: 79%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"AMBITIOUS" 92% [30th Nov, 22:58] (Discount 20%)
Total: 106
Country: US
Valid Rate: 92%
Refundable: No
Price: 13.6 - 13.6$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"ORGANIZING" 75% REF [2nd Dec, 06:13] (Discount 20%)
Total: 668
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"LEGENDARY" 85% REF [1st Dec, 07:00] (Discount 20%)
Total: 255
Country: US
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 7.2$

"SUPERSET" 80% REF [1st Dec, 06:57] (Discount 20%)
Total: 238
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 7.2$

"PACKED" 70% REF [1st Dec, 17:57] (Discount 20%)
Total: 99
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 3.2$

"PAYING" 83% REF [1st Dec, 19:18] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1036
Country: US
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.0 - 5.6$

"WISDOM" MIXED 76% REF [2nd Dec, 14:09] (Discount 20%)
Total: 428
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"HYPERDRIVE" MIXED 75% REF [1st Dec, 13:34] (Discount 20%)
Total: 354
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 12.3$

"MOUTH" 80% REF [1st Dec, 14:10] (Discount 20%)
Total: 908
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"EFFECTIVE" MIXED 86% REF [1st Dec, 11:59] (Discount 20%)
Total: 605
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.0 - 20.0$

"MUCH" 78% REF [2nd Dec, 17:49] (Discount 20%)
Total: 2606
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 6.4$

"CAP" MIXED 70% REF [2nd Dec, 13:09] (Discount 20%)
Total: 201
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 14.4$

"GIVE" 90% REF [2nd Dec, 15:07] (Discount 20%)
Total: 170
Country: US
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 10.7 - 10.7$

"SUPERIOR" MIXED 78% REF [3rd Dec, 06:37] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1508
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"ANNE" MIXED 80% REF [2nd Dec, 12:18] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1539
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 10.4$

"APRIL" MIXED 70% REF [2nd Dec, 12:17] (Discount 20%)
Total: 2042
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 10.4$

"STRIKE" MIXED 86% REF [2nd Dec, 10:24] (Discount 20%)
Total: 534
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"SUNSHINE" MIXED 84% REF [2nd Dec, 14:10] (Discount 20%)
Total: 378
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 9.6$

"FLY" MIXED NO-INFO 87% REF [2nd Dec, 14:33] (Discount 20%)
Total: 138
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 16.0 - 16.0$

"ALPHABET" MIXED 85% REF [2nd Dec, 17:56] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1970
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6.4 - 10.4$

"FLEXIBILITY" 76% REF [2nd Dec, 16:32] (Discount 20%)
Total: 79
Country: US
Valid Rate: 76%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"ANYTIME" 86% [2nd Dec, 15:04] (Discount 20%)
Total: 106
Country: US
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: No
Price: 13.6 - 13.6$

"BUSINESSWOMAN" MIXED 80% REF [2nd Dec, 17:34] (Discount 20%)
Total: 468
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.6 - 14.7$

"SUPER" MIXED 90% REF [2nd Dec, 15:14] (Discount 20%)
Total: 301
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 4.8$

"WEB" 84% REF [2nd Dec, 20:35] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1017
Country: US
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"WIND" 85% REF [2nd Dec, 20:08] (Discount 20%)
Total: 763
Country: US
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 2.4$

"WISH" 90% REF [3rd Dec, 03:38] (Discount 20%)
Total: 846
Country: US
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.2 - 3.2$

"LUXURIOUS" MIXED 80% REF [12th Dec, 16:18] (Discount 10%)
Total: 466
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.1 - 21.1$

"BRITISH" MIXED 86% REF [12th Dec, 11:22] (Discount 10%)
Total: 732
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"STORM" MIXED 87% REF [12th Dec, 12:40] (Discount 10%)
Total: 461
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"REMEMBERED" MIXED 78% REF [12th Dec, 16:21] (Discount 10%)
Total: 276
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"ADVENTURE" 86% REF [13th Dec, 07:38] (Discount 10%)
Total: 416
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CORE" MIXED NO-INFO 75% REF [13th Dec, 17:32] (Discount 10%)
Total: 480
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 2.7$

"RESEARCHER" 78% REF [14th Dec, 08:10] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1960
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"GIRLFRIEND" MIXED 87% REF [13th Dec, 08:11] (Discount 10%)
Total: 393
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"REPRESENT" MIXED 90% REF [14th Dec, 07:35] (Discount 10%)
Total: 499
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"MARINA" MIXED 86% REF [13th Dec, 11:20] (Discount 10%)
Total: 504
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"ALL" 79% REF [14th Dec, 08:55] (Discount 10%)
Total: 722
Country: US
Valid Rate: 79%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"TOMMY" 75% REF [14th Dec, 08:56] (Discount 10%)
Total: 213
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.6 - 5.4$

"NINTENDO" MIXED 74% REF [14th Dec, 00:05] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1087
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 74%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 2.7$

"NEIGHBORHOOD" MIXED 78% REF [13th Dec, 14:32] (Discount 10%)
Total: 388
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"NETWORK" 75% REF [14th Dec, 00:07] (Discount 10%)
Total: 505
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3.6 - 3.6$

"COLOR" 75% REF [13th Dec, 23:40] (Discount 10%)
Total: 125
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.5 - 4.5$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"VAPID" 88% REF [14th Dec, 12:13] (Discount 10%)
Total: 441
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"INCREASING" 70% REF [14th Dec, 12:29] (Discount 10%)
Total: 481
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 3.6$

"PRINCE" 70% REF [14th Dec, 12:31] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1169
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 10.8 - 14.4$

"KNIGHT" MIXED 89% REF [14th Dec, 09:42] (Discount 10%)
Total: 553
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 89%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"MUSHROOM" MIXED 84% REF [14th Dec, 09:45] (Discount 10%)
Total: 255
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"ATTENDANCE" 80% REF [15th Dec, 12:34] (Discount 10%)
Total: 470
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"WAREHOUSE" MIXED 84% REF [16th Dec, 18:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 886
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"SOUL" 75% REF [15th Dec, 12:49] (Discount 10%)
Total: 229
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.5 - 4.5$

"SPRY" 75% REF [15th Dec, 09:03] (Discount 10%)
Total: 289
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.5 - 4.5$

"DAIKON" MIXED 75% REF [16th Dec, 07:52] (Discount 10%)
Total: 496
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"STRIKE" MIXED 85% REF [15th Dec, 09:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 452
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"STAR" 75% REF [16th Dec, 10:52] (Discount 10%)
Total: 106
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"BASIS" 80% REF [16th Dec, 10:53] (Discount 10%)
Total: 389
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"TONY" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:49] (Discount 10%)
Total: 730
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"LINK" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:50] (Discount 10%)
Total: 731
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"DREAM" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:51] (Discount 10%)
Total: 816
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.1 - 8.1$

"COMBO" MIXED 90% REF [16th Dec, 10:35] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1010
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"BARCELONA" MIXED 84% REF [16th Dec, 10:34] (Discount 10%)
Total: 378
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"REQUESTED" 92% REF [17th Dec, 00:46] (Discount 10%)
Total: 380
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 92%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CONTROLLER" 87% REF [17th Dec, 03:53] (Discount 10%)
Total: 319
Country: US
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 22.9$

"CAMPBELL" MIXED 78% REF [16th Dec, 15:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 343
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"GRANDMASTER" MIXED 82% REF [17th Dec, 12:10] (Discount 10%)
Total: 254
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 12.6 - 22.7$

"GHOST" MIXED 85% REF [17th Dec, 08:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 433
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"ALPHA" MIXED 86% REF [17th Dec, 11:21] (Discount 10%)
Total: 513
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"PROCESSION" MIXED 82% REF [17th Dec, 15:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 215
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 13.5$

"SHOWTIMES" MIXED 78% REF [17th Dec, 14:19] (Discount 10%)
Total: 548
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"PREDICTED" 85% REF [18th Dec, 17:27] (Discount 10%)
Total: 402
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CRACKER" 78% REF [18th Dec, 20:43] (Discount 10%)
Total: 933
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"COPYRIGHT" MIXED 83% REF [18th Dec, 14:54] (Discount 10%)
Total: 347
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"WINNER" MIXED 88% REF [18th Dec, 11:15] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1012
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"SEVENTH" 78% REF [18th Dec, 20:56] (Discount 10%)
Total: 970
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"AMUSEMENT" MIXED 85% REF [18th Dec, 19:40] (Discount 10%)
Total: 355
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.1 - 8.1$

"SONGWRITING" MIXED 80% REF [18th Dec, 16:20] (Discount 10%)
Total: 508
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"NOISY" MIXED 84% REF [3rd Jan, 11:43]
Total: 279
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3 - 17$

"JOKER" MIXED 85% [3rd Nov, 10:20] (Discount 30%)
Total: 398
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"FOCUS" MIXED NO-INFO 75% [3rd Nov, 23:05] (Discount 30%)
Total: 1195
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 2.8$

"PALACE" 78% REF [3rd Dec, 11:47] (Discount 20%)
Total: 909
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 4.8$

"AUTOMATIC" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 09:23] (Discount 20%)
Total: 680
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"FRIENDLY" MIXED 80% REF [3rd Dec, 09:18] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1091
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"GARDEN" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 11:39] (Discount 20%)
Total: 697
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"CRAYFISH" MIXED 85% REF [3rd Dec, 09:31] (Discount 20%)
Total: 351
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 9.6$

"RUBY" MIXED 86% REF [3rd Dec, 10:12] (Discount 20%)
Total: 536
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"ATTEND" 84% REF [3rd Dec, 20:05] (Discount 20%)
Total: 704
Country: US
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"WAREHOUSE" MIXED 84% REF [16th Dec, 18:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 886
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"SOUL" 75% REF [15th Dec, 12:49] (Discount 10%)
Total: 229
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.5 - 4.5$

"SPRY" 75% REF [15th Dec, 09:03] (Discount 10%)
Total: 289
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.5 - 4.5$

"DAIKON" MIXED 75% REF [16th Dec, 07:52] (Discount 10%)
Total: 496
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"STRIKE" MIXED 85% REF [15th Dec, 09:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 452
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"STAR" 75% REF [16th Dec, 10:52] (Discount 10%)
Total: 106
Country: US
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"BASIS" 80% REF [16th Dec, 10:53] (Discount 10%)
Total: 389
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"TONY" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:49] (Discount 10%)
Total: 730
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 5.4$

"LINK" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:50] (Discount 10%)
Total: 731
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"DREAM" 80% REF [17th Dec, 08:51] (Discount 10%)
Total: 816
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.1 - 8.1$

"COMBO" MIXED 90% REF [16th Dec, 10:35] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1010
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 90%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"BARCELONA" MIXED 84% REF [16th Dec, 10:34] (Discount 10%)
Total: 378
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"REQUESTED" 92% REF [17th Dec, 00:46] (Discount 10%)
Total: 380
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 92%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CONTROLLER" 87% REF [17th Dec, 03:53] (Discount 10%)
Total: 319
Country: US
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 22.9$

"CAMPBELL" MIXED 78% REF [16th Dec, 15:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 343
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"GRANDMASTER" MIXED 82% REF [17th Dec, 12:10] (Discount 10%)
Total: 254
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 12.6 - 22.7$

"GHOST" MIXED 85% REF [17th Dec, 08:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 433
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"ALPHA" MIXED 86% REF [17th Dec, 11:21] (Discount 10%)
Total: 513
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"PROCESSION" MIXED 82% REF [17th Dec, 15:30] (Discount 10%)
Total: 215
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 82%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 13.5$

"SHOWTIMES" MIXED 78% REF [17th Dec, 14:19] (Discount 10%)
Total: 548
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"PREDICTED" 85% REF [18th Dec, 17:27] (Discount 10%)
Total: 402
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CRACKER" 78% REF [18th Dec, 20:43] (Discount 10%)
Total: 933
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"COPYRIGHT" MIXED 83% REF [18th Dec, 14:54] (Discount 10%)
Total: 347
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 83%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"WINNER" MIXED 88% REF [18th Dec, 11:15] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1012
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 88%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"SEVENTH" 78% REF [18th Dec, 20:56] (Discount 10%)
Total: 970
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"AMUSEMENT" MIXED 85% REF [18th Dec, 19:40] (Discount 10%)
Total: 355
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.1 - 8.1$

"SONGWRITING" MIXED 80% REF [18th Dec, 16:20] (Discount 10%)
Total: 508
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"NOISY" MIXED 84% REF [3rd Jan, 11:43]
Total: 279
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3 - 17$

"JOKER" MIXED 85% [3rd Nov, 10:20] (Discount 30%)
Total: 398
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"FOCUS" MIXED NO-INFO 75% [3rd Nov, 23:05] (Discount 30%)
Total: 1195
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 2.8$

"PALACE" 78% REF [3rd Dec, 11:47] (Discount 20%)
Total: 909
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 4.8$

"AUTOMATIC" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 09:23] (Discount 20%)
Total: 680
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"FRIENDLY" MIXED 80% REF [3rd Dec, 09:18] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1091
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"GARDEN" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 11:39] (Discount 20%)
Total: 697
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"CRAYFISH" MIXED 85% REF [3rd Dec, 09:31] (Discount 20%)
Total: 351
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 9.6$

"RUBY" MIXED 86% REF [3rd Dec, 10:12] (Discount 20%)
Total: 536
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"ATTEND" 84% REF [3rd Dec, 20:05] (Discount 20%)
Total: 704
Country: US
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"SPRINKLER" MIXED 78% REF [3rd Dec, 14:24] (Discount 20%)
Total: 323
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"INVASIVE" 80% REF [19th Dec, 13:56] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1018
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

"MILITARY" 75% REF [19th Dec, 13:06] (Discount 10%)
Total: 439
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"INTELLECT" MIXED 75% REF [19th Dec, 09:21] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1320
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CAPABILITY" MIXED 87% REF [19th Dec, 11:54] (Discount 10%)
Total: 741
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"ROYAL" MIXED 84% REF [19th Dec, 09:20] (Discount 10%)
Total: 472
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"BLACK" MIXED 85% REF [19th Dec, 10:36] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1010
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"CUSTODY" MIXED NO-INFO 70% REF [19th Dec, 14:29] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1727
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 2.7$

"INDUCED" MIXED 80% REF [19th Dec, 14:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 486
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"APP" 80% REF [4th Jan, 13:12]
Total: 653
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

"REAR" 80% REF [4th Jan, 13:13]
Total: 292
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

"PACIFIC" MIXED 85% REF [4th Jan, 15:19]
Total: 858
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 25$

"SIR" 80% REF [4th Jan, 15:30]
Total: 918
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

"COFFEE" 80% REF [4th Jan, 15:31]
Total: 364
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

"ADVENTUROUS" MIXED 84% REF [4th Jan, 15:32]
Total: 315
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3 - 13$

"CARROLL" MIXED 78% REF [4th Jan, 19:41]
Total: 433
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 3 - 10$

Official Link:

Tor Link:

Jabber Contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telegram Channel:


Verified Seller
Reaction score
[ LukiCrownUpdates ]

"JOKER" MIXED 85% [3rd Nov, 10:20] (Discount 30%)
Total: 398
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: No
Price: 4.2 - 14.0$

"FOCUS" MIXED NO-INFO 75% [3rd Nov, 23:05] (Discount 30%)
Total: 1195
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: No
Price: 2.1 - 2.8$

"PALACE" 78% REF [3rd Dec, 11:47] (Discount 20%)
Total: 909
Country: US
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 4.8$

"AUTOMATIC" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 09:23] (Discount 20%)
Total: 680
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"FRIENDLY" MIXED 80% REF [3rd Dec, 09:18] (Discount 20%)
Total: 1091
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"GARDEN" 70% REF [3rd Dec, 11:39] (Discount 20%)
Total: 697
Country: US
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"CRAYFISH" MIXED 85% REF [3rd Dec, 09:31] (Discount 20%)
Total: 351
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 9.6$

"RUBY" MIXED 86% REF [3rd Dec, 10:12] (Discount 20%)
Total: 536
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 86%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 4.8 - 20.0$

"ATTEND" 84% REF [3rd Dec, 20:05] (Discount 20%)
Total: 704
Country: US
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 8.0 - 8.0$

"SPRINKLER" MIXED 78% REF [3rd Dec, 14:24] (Discount 20%)
Total: 323
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 78%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.4 - 8.0$

"INVASIVE" 80% REF [19th Dec, 13:56] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1018
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 7.2 - 7.2$

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"MILITARY" 75% REF [19th Dec, 13:06] (Discount 10%)
Total: 439
Country: CA
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"INTELLECT" MIXED 75% REF [19th Dec, 09:21] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1320
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 75%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"CAPABILITY" MIXED 87% REF [19th Dec, 11:54] (Discount 10%)
Total: 741
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 87%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 9.0 - 9.0$

"ROYAL" MIXED 84% REF [19th Dec, 09:20] (Discount 10%)
Total: 472
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 84%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 11.7$

"BLACK" MIXED 85% REF [19th Dec, 10:36] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1010
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 85%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 5.4 - 22.5$

"CUSTODY" MIXED NO-INFO 70% REF [19th Dec, 14:29] (Discount 10%)
Total: 1727
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 70%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 2.7$

"INDUCED" MIXED 80% REF [19th Dec, 14:24] (Discount 10%)
Total: 486
Country: Mix
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 2.7 - 9.0$

"APP" 80% REF [4th Jan, 13:12]
Total: 653
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

"REAR" 80% REF [4th Jan, 13:13]
Total: 292
Country: US
Valid Rate: 80%
Refundable: Yes
Price: 6 - 6$

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Jabber Contact:
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