
Reaction score
Transaction Origins

AUTO-REFUND: System initiated refund
V-TERM: Virtual Terminal, Manual action by logged in user
N2.SIGNUP: Hosted payment form, membership signup
N2.PURCHASE: Hosted payment form, one time purchase
ND2.TRANS: Direct Mode v2 (signup or one time purchase)
ND3.TRANS: Direct Mode v3 (one time purchase)
ND3.SIGNUP: Direct Mode v3 (membership signup transaction)
RAD.TEST: System Generated Test (Only on test account)
BA.TRANS: Batch Upload Transactions
RETRY: Rare, manual internal retry
RECURRING: Rebill initiated by NETbilling automatically

Transaction Authoriazation Response Code
Authorization Response Codes:

DECLINED: This is the most common, generic decline message. It is an actual decline from the issuing bank and details are not provided.

AVS/CVV2 Authorization Responses:

BAD ADDRESS: The AVS response received was not in the list of acceptable AVS codes. The transaction has been aborted.
CVV2 MISMATCH: The CVV2 response received was not in the list of acceptable CVV2 codes. The transaction has been aborted.

Fraud Defense Authorization Responses:

When Fraud Defense is enabled, transactions that fail a Fraud Defense checkpoint will be rejected prior to an attempt to authorize the transaction.

A/DECLINED: The transaction exceeded the traffic limits.
B/DECLINED: The transaction contains information found in the blacklist or high risk country list.
C/DECLINED: The country of origin found in the high risk country list.
E/DECLINED: The email address in the transaction is not valid.
I/DECLINED: The country of origin mis-matched country specified by card holder (IP, Card, Address)
J/DECLINED: The transaction contains profane or otherwise suspicious information. This check is disabled in the virtual terminal.
L/DECLINED: The transaction failed to pass US Location Verification.
R/DECLINED: The transaction contained a high risk country or came from an anonymous domain.

Traffic Limit Responses:

Transactions that exceed a traffic limit set by Fraud Defense settings or your preset quotas will be rejected prior to an attempt to authorize the transaction. If you see traffic responses such as below and you believe them to be in error, please contact us.

Traffic Limit Authorization Responses:

A/QUOTA EXCEEDED: The transaction exceeded the maximum dollar volume limit per card.
C/QUOTA EXCEEDED: The transaction exceeded the maximum number of credits/refunds allowed within a time period (contact your NETbilling sales rep).
M/QUOTA EXCEEDED: The transaction exceeded the maximum per transaction amount limit.
R/QUOTA EXCEEDED: The transaction exceeded the maximum dollar volume of credits/refunds allowed within a time period (contact your NETbilling sales rep).
S/QUOTA EXCEEDED: The transaction exceeded the maximum number of sales allowed within a time period (contact your NETbilling sales rep).

Note: When a transaction exceeds Traffic Limits, the user is sent to the Give Up URL.

Bank Responses:

Some banks may return authorization responses which do not clearly state the nature of the response. Below are some of the common responses.

Common Bank Authorization Responses:

ACCT FROZEN: Account frozen, cannot transfer funds
APPROVED: Transaction authorized
CALL 01: Refer to issuer
CALL 02: Refer to issuer, special condition
NO REPLY 28: File is temporarily unavailable
NO REPLY 91: Issuer switch is unavailable
HOLD-CALL 04: Pick up card
HOLD-CALL 07: Pick up card, special condition
HOLD-CALL 41: Pick up card, lost
HOLD-CALL 43: Pick up card, stolen
ACCT LENGTH ERR: EA Verification error
ALREADY REVERSED 79: Already reversed at switch
AMOUNT ERROR 13: Invalid Amount
CANT VERIFY PIN 83: Cannot verify PIN
CANT VERIFY PIN 86: Cannot verify PIN
CARD NO. ERROR 14: Invalid card number
CASHBACK NOT APP 82: Cashback limit exceeded
CASHBACK NOT AVL N3: Cashback service not available
CHECK DIGIT ERR: EB Verification error
CID FORMAT ERROR: EC Verification error
CVV2 MISMATCH N7: CVV2 data does not match
DATE ERROR 80: Invalid Date
DECLINE 02: Force Transaction with Voice Authorization
DECLINE 05: Do not honor
DECLINE 51: Insufficient funds
DECLINE N4: Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit
DECLINE 61: Exceeds withdrawal limit
DECLINE 62: Invalid service code, restricted
DECLINE 65: Activity limit exceeded
DECLINE 93: Violation, cannot complete
DECLINE AVS 06: Denied for AVS
ENCRYPTION ERROR 81: Cryptographic error
ERROR CODE 98: Unknown Error
EXPIRED CARD 54: Expired card
FAILURE CV: Card Type Verification Error (Card Type not accepted)
Failure HV: Configuration error when your account was created
GENERAL ERROR 98: Potentially NULL value passed, experienced when CVV2 left blank
INV MERCH NUM 19: Invalid Merchant ID
Invalid Account Number: Invalid account number length or format
INVALID BANK ACT: Invalid bank account
INVALID ROUTING 92: Destination not found
INVALID TRANS 12: Invalid transaction (may be invalid account #)
NO ACCOUNT 78: No account
No Acct/Cannot Locate: No account exists
NO ACTION TAKEN 21: Unable to back out transaction
NO ACTION TAKEN 76: Unable to locate, no match
NO ACTION TAKEN 77: Inconsistent data, reversal or repeat
NO CHECK ACCOUNT 52: No checking account
NO CREDIT ACCT 39: No credit account
NO SAVE ACCOUNT 53: No savings account
NO SUCH ISSUER 15: No such issuer
OFFLINE RETURN: Refund of check or credit transaction
PIN EXCEEDED 75: PIN tries exceeded
RE ENTER 19: Re-enter transaction
SEC VIOLATION 63: Security violation
SERV NOT ALLOWED 57: Transaction not permitted - card
SERV NOT ALLOWED 58: Transaction not permitted - term
SYSTEM ERROR 96: System malfunction
TERM ID ERROR 03: Invalid Merchant ID
WRONG PIN 55: Incorrect PIN
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX: Undefined response

Transaction Status Codes

ACH.CB/ISSUED: Check chargeback has been issued
ACH/FAILED: Check did not pass fraud scrubbings or was invalid and not submitted to banking network.
ACH/RETURN: Check returned after being submitted to banking network
ACH/ISSUED: Check issued but not yet submitted to banking network, can be cancelled
ACH/PENDING: Check issued, submitted to banking network, and awaiting approval
ACH/OK: Check issued, submitted to banking network, approved and funds transferred
ACH/REFUNDED: Check transaction has been refunded, refund transaction is separate
AUTH/FAILED: Auth only attempt declined
AUTH/OK: Auth only attempt approved
CREDIT/OPEN: Credit to card which was not originally charged, not yet settled, can NOT be voided
CREDIT/OK: Credit to card which was not originally charged, settled, funds transferred
REFUND/FAILED: Refund declined, may have invalid information
REFUND/OK: Refund approved, funds transferred
REFUND/OPEN: Refund [Credit Card] issued, not yet settled, can NOT be voided
REFUND/ISSUED: Refund [Check] issued, not yet submitted to banking network
REFUND/PENDING: Refund [Check] issued, submitted to banking network, and awaiting approval
S/REFUNDED: Credit Card transaction has been refunded; this is the original sale, not the actual refund transaction
SALE/FAILED: Sale declined
SALE/NOP: Status set manually for problematic transaction (extremely rare)
SALE/ERROR: Status set manually for problematic transaction (extremely rare)
SALE/OK: Sale approved, settled, and funds transferred
SALE/OPEN: Sale approved, not yet settled, can be voided
SALE/CB: Previously approved trasanction that has been charged back by the customer and imported into our system. Previously transaction would have been a SALE/OK but now has changed status.
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