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πŸ“± The iPhone: A Carder's Ultimate Tool πŸ“±

One of the things hackers and carders who pretend to be proficient with technology like to ignore is the Apple ecosystem. But if youre a carder and youre wasting your time with Android emulators, antidetects and VMs and yet still getting rejected by AI antifraud systems youre missing out on the ultimate carding tool thats been sitting in your pocket all along: the iPhone.

While youve been dicking around with overpriced Virtualbox Antidetects, Apple has quietly built the shit when it comes to counteracting device fingerprinting. Their obsession with privacy has somehow created the perfect carding device.


This isnt some half-baked theory Im pulling out of my ass. Ive been leveraging iPhones to hit sites that would make your antidetects cry.

So put down those Dolphin Anty trial accounts and pay attention. By the time were done youll be looking at that overpriced status symbol in a whole new light. Its time to turn Apples walled garden into your personal carding playground.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this write-up is intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

Why Apple?

The better question would be why the fuck not? Apple has been on a lifelong crusade against privacy invasion and since theyre a device company first they have no incentives to go destroying peoples privacies like some other tech giants like Google.

Their incentives are actually the opposite: Apple understands that their main competitor Googles entire business model revolves around harvesting user data like a fucking vampire. By guarding peoples privacy Apple directly undermines Googles cash cow making themselves more profitable in the process. Its like theyre cockblocking Google from fingering your digital asshole and making bank doing it.
The central piece of Apples privacy push is making iPhones virtually unfingerprintable. What that means is that any iPhone browsing the web or installing apps looks the same in the eyes of sites and applications. They all blend together into one blob of Apple-approved hardware and software.

While there are caveats, this works perfectly for us, as Ill explain further below.

The iPhone

Safari, Apples web browser, is the hero in our iPhone carding toolkit. Its anti-fingerprinting measures are so robust even AI antifraud systems don't know what to do with them.

At its core, Safari aggressively limits the amount of device information accessible to websites. It restricts access to many JavaScript APIs that could be used for fingerprinting, such as those that reveal system fonts, installed plugins, or precise battery status. Safari even goes as far as to intentionally give slightly inaccurate information about things like screen resolution to further muddy the waters.

One of Safaris most powerful weapon in carding is its approach to canvas fingerprinting. This technique typically allows websites to draw invisible images that uniquely identify your device based on how your hardware renders them. Safari says 'fuck that noise' and serves up a similar canvas fingerprints for all devices running the same iOS version. Its like giving every website the same mugshot regardless of whos actually browsing.


Your antidetect's having issues with WebGL fingerprinting? Safari neuters that too. It limits the information available about your devices graphics capabilities, making it significantly harder for sites to create a unique fingerprint based on your GPU.

Now heres what this means for us degenerate carders: When youre browsing via Safari, websites get jack shit in terms of identifying information. They might see your general device type and approximate screen size, but even these can be obscured if you enable the 'Advanced Fingerprinting Protection' option in settings. Youre essentially a ghost in the machine, indistinguishable from millions of other iPhone users.

Using an iPhone to hit some shops means you blend in perfectly with the normie crowd. Unless you fuck up spectacularly, AI fraud detection systems cant pick you out from the sea of identical Safari fingerprints. Youre hiding in plain sight, protected by Apples privacy shield and the sheer number of iPhones out there.

This is exactly why every carder with two brain cells to rub together is flexing on an iPhone screenshot when they brag about their latest score on Telegram or forums. They might not understand the technical voodoo behind it, but they know the secret sauce. Theyve stumbled ass-backwards into the perfect carding tool, all thanks to Apples mission against data harvesting.

How to use the iPhone for maximum effectiveness


  • Use Safari exclusively. Forget Chrome or Firefox they leak tons of info. Safari is your only browser. This even works better since most people who use iPhones only use Safari.

  • Leverage iCloud Private Relay if you can. If youre scratching your head wondering what the fuck that is dont worry Ill cover it in-depth in my next writeup. For now just know its like a VPN on steroids.

  • Keep your iOS updated. Using an outdated iOS not only makes you more prone to fingerprinting techniques and bugs as it also doesnt blend you well with most people since everyone updates their iOS. Youre trying to be a face in the crowd and not stick out. This means you shouldn't use beta versions either.

  • When carding and using proxies stick with the built-in HTTP proxy settings rather than third-party proxy tools. Sure you can use apps like Surge and Potatso for Socks5 but by leveraging iOS native proxy feature youre ensuring your TLS fingerprint matches most iPhones perfectly. Its like wearing the same uniform as everyone else in the digital battlefield.

  • If youre using an unpopular device say an old iPhone X with limited market share your best bet is enabling advanced fingerprinting protection. This blends you with as many users as possible making you just another face in the crowd. The reason this works better is that there are more people who use AFP than those who have the same phone as you.

  • If youve got a relatively popular model like the iPhone 15 Pro Max enabling this actually does more harm than good. Youre already part of a massive group of users so leaving it off keeps you in that larger pool. Its counterintuitive but sometimes standing out less means doing less.

  • For app-based carding like hitting Amazon reformat your phone once youre done with the account. Apps cant track users across complete wipes but they sure as hell can if you dont reset. Apps (and not websites) use whats called the Identifier for Vendors (IDFV) a unique identifier that persists across app reinstalls but gets reset with a full device wipe. Its like burning your fingerprints off after each job.

  • If youre using Safari to card make sure to clear the cookies and cache after each session. Think of it as wiping down the crime scene - dont leave any digital fingerprints behind. Especially since these cookies are read by the sites that stored them.

  • When using a proxy and Safari to card fix your timezone and language settings (especially if using an international card). While antifraud systems cant fingerprint you they can still see your timezone and language. Dont be the dipshit who claims to be in Tokyo while your phone's time is set to New York.

Closing Thoughts

The iPhone isnt just a status symbol for basic bitches and tech bros - its the ultimate weapon in your carders arsenal.

We covered why Apple accidentally created the perfect carding machine, how Safari keeps you as anonymous as a glory hole enthusiast and the tips to maximize your iPhones effectiveness.

Remember carders, youre not just using a phone. Youre wielding a precision-engineered tool for digital anonymity. Treat it with the respect it deserves and itll keep your ass out of the fire.

Now get out there and put this shit to use. And if you see some dipshit bragging about their Android carding setup just point and laugh. Theyve brought a knife to a gunfight and dont even know it.

Class dismissed you beautiful degenerates. d0ctrine out.
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Reaction score
πŸ“± The iPhone: A Carder's Ultimate Tool πŸ“±

One of the things hackers and carders who pretend to be proficient with technology like to ignore is the Apple ecosystem. But if youre a carder and youre wasting your time with Android emulators, antidetects and VMs and yet still getting rejected by AI antifraud systems youre missing out on the ultimate carding tool thats been sitting in your pocket all along: the iPhone.

While youve been dicking around with overpriced Virtualbox Antidetects, Apple has quietly built the shit when it comes to counteracting device fingerprinting. Their obsession with privacy has somehow created the perfect carding device.

This isnt some half-baked theory Im pulling out of my ass. Ive been leveraging iPhones to hit sites that would make your antidetects cry.

So put down those Dolphin Anty trial accounts and pay attention. By the time were done youll be looking at that overpriced status symbol in a whole new light. Its time to turn Apples walled garden into your personal carding playground.

Why Apple?

The better question would be why the fuck not? Apple has been on a lifelong crusade against privacy invasion and since theyre a device company first they have no incentives to go destroying peoples privacies like some other tech giants like Google.

Their incentives are actually the opposite: Apple understands that their main competitor Googles entire business model revolves around harvesting user data like a fucking vampire. By guarding peoples privacy Apple directly undermines Googles cash cow making themselves more profitable in the process. Its like theyre cockblocking Google from fingering your digital asshole and making bank doing it.
The central piece of Apples privacy push is making iPhones virtually unfingerprintable. What that means is that any iPhone browsing the web or installing apps looks the same in the eyes of sites and applications. They all blend together into one blob of Apple-approved hardware and software.

While there are caveats, this works perfectly for us, as Ill explain further below.

The iPhone

Safari, Apples web browser, is the hero in our iPhone carding toolkit. Its anti-fingerprinting measures are so robust even AI antifraud systems don't know what to do with them.

At its core, Safari aggressively limits the amount of device information accessible to websites. It restricts access to many JavaScript APIs that could be used for fingerprinting, such as those that reveal system fonts, installed plugins, or precise battery status. Safari even goes as far as to intentionally give slightly inaccurate information about things like screen resolution to further muddy the waters.

One of Safaris most powerful weapon in carding is its approach to canvas fingerprinting. This technique typically allows websites to draw invisible images that uniquely identify your device based on how your hardware renders them. Safari says 'fuck that noise' and serves up a similar canvas fingerprints for all devices running the same iOS version. Its like giving every website the same mugshot regardless of whos actually browsing.

Your antidetect's having issues with WebGL fingerprinting? Safari neuters that too. It limits the information available about your devices graphics capabilities, making it significantly harder for sites to create a unique fingerprint based on your GPU.

Now heres what this means for us degenerate carders: When youre browsing via Safari, websites get jack shit in terms of identifying information. They might see your general device type and approximate screen size, but even these can be obscured if you enable the 'Advanced Fingerprinting Protection' option in settings. Youre essentially a ghost in the machine, indistinguishable from millions of other iPhone users.

Using an iPhone to hit some shops means you blend in perfectly with the normie crowd. Unless you fuck up spectacularly, AI fraud detection systems cant pick you out from the sea of identical Safari fingerprints. Youre hiding in plain sight, protected by Apples privacy shield and the sheer number of iPhones out there.

This is exactly why every carder with two brain cells to rub together is flexing on an iPhone screenshot when they brag about their latest score on Telegram or forums. They might not understand the technical voodoo behind it, but they know the secret sauce. Theyve stumbled ass-backwards into the perfect carding tool, all thanks to Apples mission against data harvesting.

How to use the iPhone for maximum effectiveness

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  • Use Safari exclusively. Forget Chrome or Firefox they leak tons of info. Safari is your only browser. This even works better since most people who use iPhones only use Safari.

  • Leverage iCloud Private Relay if you can. If youre scratching your head wondering what the fuck that is dont worry Ill cover it in-depth in my next writeup. For now just know its like a VPN on steroids.

  • Keep your iOS updated. Using an outdated iOS not only makes you more prone to fingerprinting techniques and bugs as it also doesnt blend you well with most people since everyone updates their iOS. Youre trying to be a face in the crowd and not stick out. This means you shouldn't use beta versions either.

  • When carding and using proxies stick with the built-in HTTP proxy settings rather than third-party proxy tools. Sure you can use apps like Surge and Potatso for Socks5 but by leveraging iOS native proxy feature youre ensuring your TLS fingerprint matches most iPhones perfectly. Its like wearing the same uniform as everyone else in the digital battlefield.

  • If youre using an unpopular device say an old iPhone X with limited market share your best bet is enabling advanced fingerprinting protection. This blends you with as many users as possible making you just another face in the crowd. The reason this works better is that there are more people who use AFP than those who have the same phone as you.

  • If youve got a relatively popular model like the iPhone 15 Pro Max enabling this actually does more harm than good. Youre already part of a massive group of users so leaving it off keeps you in that larger pool. Its counterintuitive but sometimes standing out less means doing less.

  • For app-based carding like hitting Amazon reformat your phone once youre done with the account. Apps cant track users across complete wipes but they sure as hell can if you dont reset. Apps (and not websites) use whats called the Identifier for Vendors (IDFV) a unique identifier that persists across app reinstalls but gets reset with a full device wipe. Its like burning your fingerprints off after each job.

  • If youre using Safari to card make sure to clear the cookies and cache after each session. Think of it as wiping down the crime scene - dont leave any digital fingerprints behind. Especially since these cookies are read by the sites that stored them.

  • When using a proxy and Safari to card fix your timezone and language settings (especially if using an international card). While antifraud systems cant fingerprint you they can still see your timezone and language. Dont be the dipshit who claims to be in Tokyo while your phone's time is set to New York.

Closing Thoughts

The iPhone isnt just a status symbol for basic bitches and tech bros - its the ultimate weapon in your carders arsenal.

We covered why Apple accidentally created the perfect carding machine, how Safari keeps you as anonymous as a glory hole enthusiast and the tips to maximize your iPhones effectiveness.

Remember carders, youre not just using a phone. Youre wielding a precision-engineered tool for digital anonymity. Treat it with the respect it deserves and itll keep your ass out of the fire.

Now get out there and put this shit to use. And if you see some dipshit bragging about their Android carding setup just point and laugh. Theyve brought a knife to a gunfight and dont even know it.

Class dismissed you beautiful degenerates. d0ctrine out.
Maybe you can make a post about sites like stockx, and payment providers
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