
Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.


This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this write-up is intended for educational purposes only. It is a study of how fraud operates and is not intended to promote, endorse, or facilitate any illegal activities. I cannot be held liable for any actions taken based on this material. Please use this information responsibly and do not engage in any criminal activities.

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.


The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.


This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.

For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
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Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    • Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    • Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

thanks g


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
lets see


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    • Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    • Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
let see


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    • Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    • Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
Awesome. You are living legend d0ctrine.


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
thankyou so much for breaking it down to something easily understandable
Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    • Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    • Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
Appreciate the info


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    • Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    • Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.
Great information as always.


Reaction score
I'm using GoLogin and IP royal socks5 residential. Everything works as usual. I tested my IP on ipleak.net and it works. However, I cannot reach api.stripe.com. And get this error

"This site can’t be reached

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Can you please help me with this d0ctrine?


Reaction score
I'm using GoLogin and IP royal socks5 residential. Everything works as usual. I tested my IP on ipleak.net and it works. However, I cannot reach api.stripe.com. And get this error

"This site can’t be reached

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Can you please help me with this d0ctrine?
Brother, thats what this guide is for. Use custom DNS.


Reaction score
🌐 Strategic Carding: Getting the Cleanest Possible IPs 🌐

Welcome to another carding knowledge you didnt know you needed. Today were diving into the dirty world of proxy providers and how to get every last drop of value out of their so called “clean” IPs.

You see most of you noobs think youve hit the jackpot when you find a residential proxy provider that hasnt been used to death by every script kiddie with a stolen credit card. But heres the truth: even the cleanest pools get dirtier and unusable after awhile.

The secret? Its not about finding virgin IPs. Its about understanding how these proxy providers work and exploiting their weaknesses. Were talking DNS manipulation sneaky little tricks that let you get past their blocks and restrictions.

This isnt some ‘5 Easy Steps to Card Amazon crap. Were going deep into the technical weeds exploring how to bypass URL blocks on financial sites like Stripe and PayPal. By the end of this guide youll be seeing residential proxies in a whole new light.

So put on your thinking cap and leave your preconceptions at the door. Its time to learn how to turn those ‘clean IPs into your personal playground. This is advanced stuff but if youve got more than two brain cells to rub together youll manage. Lets fucking go!

How IPs Get Dirty

So why are your clean proxies failing? We need to look at how proxy providers manage their IP pools. They have huge lists of IP addresses they sell to their customers as proxies.

When a provider gets a new batch of IPs, they are clean and unused. But that doesnt last long. As soon as those IPs become available, they get used by various customers, including carders doing fraudulent transactions.

The problem is the sheer number of users all hitting the same websites with fraudulent activity. Each failed attempt, chargeback or suspicious transaction on an IP address leaves a mark. Those marks add up fast and degrade the IP.

The IP you just connected to has likely been used by numerous other carders before you. They may have attempted to card various e-commerce sites or used payment processors like Stripe for shady transactions. All of these activities leave digital footprints that raise flags in security systems.

This is why you can run an IP through IPQS or Scamalytics, get a clean result and still have your orders declined. Those surface level checks dont show the full history of suspicious activity on that IP across different platforms.

An IP can go bad fast. An IP that was clean in the morning can be compromised by the afternoon due to other users. This cycle of use and abuse makes it harder to find truly clean IPs. When a proxy provider gets a reputation for having a clean pool, more users come in and the IP quality decreases faster.

So when your order gets flagged despite using a supposedly 'clean' proxy, remember that youre not just up against fraud detection systems. Youre also contending with the cumulative impact of every failed carding attempt that preceded yours on that IP.

The Solution

The solution to this IP quality issue is simple: use proxy providers that block financial sites. These providers, that cater to more legitimate use cases, block payment processors and financial institutions. This limitation, while inconvenient, is a goldmine for us.

Why? Because these restrictions create a shield, preventing other carders from tainting the IP pool. If the proxy doesnt allow connections to Stripe, PayPal or Adyen, it means no one has used these IPs for fraudulent transactions on these platforms. The result? IP addresses that remain clean in the eyes of payment providers and fraud detection systems.

This approach gives us a significant advantage. Were no longer playing Russian roulette with IPs that have been abused by every Tom Dick and Harry trying to card their way to a new PlayStation. Instead were working with IPs that have a clean slate when it comes to financial transactions.

But d0ctrine if these proxy providers dont allow access to Stripe, PayPal, Adyen etc how can we use them? Good question. The answer is in some DNS magic.

By using specific DNS tricks we can bypass these restrictions while still benefiting from the clean reputation of these IPs. This method allows us to access the sites we need while maintaining the pristine status of our proxy IPs.


To understand how we can get around these financial site blocks we need to understand DNS (Domain Name System) and how it interacts with different proxy types.

DNS is the internets phonebook, it translates human readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use. Most proxy providers implement their URL blocks at the DNS level. They’re not blocking financial sites IP addresses directly, but blocking their DNS resolvers from translating certain domain names.

For example when a proxy tries to access api.stripe.com the providers DNS resolver returns a blank instead of Stripes actual IP address. That’s why you can’t access these sites through these ‘clean’ proxies under normal circumstances.
View attachment 5976

Here’s where proxy types come in. With HTTP proxies DNS resolution happens on the proxy server side, making it hard to get around their blocks. But with SOCKS5 proxies we have a golden opportunity.

SOCKS5 proxies operate at a lower network level, we have more flexibility in how traffic is handled. By default you’re using the proxy’s DNS resolver. But - and this is the key - with SOCKS5 we can change that. We can configure our system to use a different DNS resolver, one that doesn’t have these blocks in place.

So we can use these clean, untainted SOCKS5 proxies and still access the financial sites we need. We’re basically bypassing the proxy’s phonebook and using our own.

The Process

Now that we covered the theory let’s get into the nitty gritty of actually implementing this bypass. You’ll need three things:

  • An antidetect browser with DNS changing capabilities
  • A proxy provider that blocks financial sites
  • A reliable external DNS resolver

For antidetect browsers GoLogin and Linken Sphere are good options. Both have DNS configuration options for our method.

For proxy providers look for ones that block financial sites. Oxylabs and IPRoyal are good examples. Their restrictions which are usually a pain in the ass become our advantage in this scenario.
For our external DNS we’ll use Cloudflare’s resolver ( It’s fast, reliable and most importantly not associated with any proxy services.

Here’s the step-by-step process:
  1. Set up your antidetect profile:
    - Launch your antidetect browser (GoLogin or Linken Sphere)
    - Create a new browser profile
    • In the network settings find the DNS configuration option
    • Enter Cloudflares DNS: and as primary and secondary
  2. Configure your SOCKS5 proxy:
    • In the same profile settings locate the proxy configuration
    • Select SOCKS5 as the proxy type
    • Enter the details provided by your proxy service (Oxylabs or IPRoyal)
    - Ensure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled - this is crucial
  3. Test your setup:
    - Launch the browser profile
    - Visit ipleak.net to confirm youre using the proxy IP
    - Try accessing api.stripe.com
When you hit api.stripe.com, you should see a JSON response that looks like this:
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

This response is exactly what we want to see. It means youve successfully connected to Stripes API server despite the proxy provider blocking it. The error message is irrelevant - were not trying to make a valid API call. Whats important is that you received a response from Stripe at all.

If you see this message, congratu-fucking-lations. Youve just bypassed the proxy providers DNS block. Youre now connecting to Stripe through an IP that should, by all accounts, be unable to reach it.

If you dont see this message and instead get a connection error or timeout, somethings off. Double-check your DNS settings and proxy configuration. Make sure 'Use proxy DNS' is disabled and that youre using a SOCKS5 proxy, not HTTP.

From here on out, you potentially have a clean IP address for your carding operations. However, dont get cocky just yet. While this method ensures your IP hasnt been used for financial fraud, it doesnt guarantee overall cleanliness.

Double-check your IP with services like IPQS and Scamalytics. Just because its clean with payment processors doesnt mean its clean across the board. These IPs could still have been used for other shit like botnets or spam campaigns.

Closing Thoughts

We just armed you with a method to access cleaner IPs, but this aint no silver bullet. Its a tool that demands skill and vigilance.

  • Rotate IPs regularly
  • Dont overuse this trick
  • Maintain strict OPSEC

Fraud detection evolves constantly. Stay sharp, adapt and never get complacent. Knowledge is power, but application is key.

Use this wisely and may your carding endeavors prosper. Now go make some fucking money.

d0ctrine out.


Reaction score
Brother, thats what this guide is for. Use custom DNS.
Thank you Sir for responding to my comment. However, I still cannot figure out. I cannot find "Use proxy DNS" option in GoLogin. And I have configured DNS to and also tried, but I still cannot access stripe. I'm using Ubuntu OS. Is there any setting outside GoLogin that I missed?

Please help!


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