!!Searching for legit Teacher/Business Partner-Australia based!!


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Hey Fam,

I want to learn how to make large amount's of money, but can't seem to find someone legit. If you take me under their wing and teach me the way, you will not be disappointed. Here's some positive's and negitive's about me which might help you decide if I'm right. I am a quick learner, loyal, secretive and once I've been taught the rope's I'm a machine. Some negative's are I am an introvert, I have ADHD so even I go hard for day's, I'll need 1 day a week for me time. I don't want to meet or talk to people unless I have to. The last thing I'm going to add is...I'm a girl. Do what you will with that, but I had to share that.

Please don't contact me trying to sell something, I can assure you if you teach me a proper way to earn lucrative money you be paid 100 times over. I am itching to go shopping and spending big but I can't do that without funds. Help me, help you.

I hope to hear from you soon, stay beautiful!
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