Anonymity Secret Data Hiding.


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Every user needs to keep data on their computer strictly protected but data encryption often gets too much attention. If the file cannot be opened - it means that there is probably something valuable in it. Therefore, it can be important to hide the very presence of secret information. The easiest way to do this is to dissolve confidential data inside some harmless file. We will not hide our data using trivialities, but will resort to a very good and really useful method: hiding data using alternative streams.

Using alternative streams you can hide viruses, pictures and much more.
You can read more about it on the internet... Today we will hide text data.

Open the command line, create a file with any entries: echo Cmd>test.txt
Now let’s hide, for example, the password “123” in the alternative stream:

test1.txt: echo our secret text>the_file_in_which_we hide:the_name_of_the_alternative_stream


echo 123>test.txt:test1.txt

Now we have a file test.txt (it's located in the "user" folder) - if we open it, we will see the text: “Cmd”.
To view hidden information open the command line and write the following: notepad test.txt:test1.txt

Our secret file was revealed to us. You can upload any amount of information and the file size will not change.
In order to access your data, you need to know the name of the alternative stream. And only you will know it!
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