Anonymity Basic Security.


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When engaging in illicit activities you must consider many factors that can deanonymize you.
In this article, I have grouped these factors and briefly described protection methods for you!

Main risk factors:
  1. Social
  2. Financial
  3. Hardware
Social Security

This type of security is based on how society perceives you. Here are the main rules:
  1. Do not discuss your work with anyone except partners.
  2. Do not throw money around if you cannot prove the legality of owning it.
  3. Do not meet with partners directly. If necessary, use an intermediary.
  4. Build your "legend" (where you work, what you do, how much you earn, etc.).
    Choose remote professions to make it harder to catch you lying.
Financial Security

I divide this type of security into 2 categories:
  1. Deposit of funds
  2. Withdrawal of funds
For depositing and withdrawing, use cryptocurrency. For me, Monero has remained the simplest and most trusted for a long time.

You can create a wallet here:

Secure combinations for depositing:
  1. Exchange service
  2. Monero wallet #1
  3. Monero wallet #2
  4. Exchange service and withdrawal to a convenient anonymous wallet (like Trust) or direct payment for services.
Never pay for dubious services and goods from your personal exchange account!

Secure combinations for withdrawal:
  1. Receiving cryptocurrency
  2. Exchange to Monero
  3. Monero wallet #2 (receiving "dirty" money)
  4. Monero wallet #1
  5. Exchange from Monero to a convenient option for you
Strive to receive the "end result" in cryptocurrency in every activity!

Hardware Security

I divide this type of security into 2 categories:
  1. PC
  2. Communication
In this type of security, there should be constant rules:

Rule 1 - VPN. Always use a VPN when accessing the internet! It's best to create your own to ensure no logging.

Rule 2 - Internet. For security, it's better to use a modem and an anonymous SIM card. You can top up your anonymous SIM card from the same cryptocurrency exchange services. Fiber optics provide speed advantages but pinpoint your location to your apartment. You can use fiber optics if you have an advanced security setup.

Rule 3 - Virtual machines. Use VirtualBox virtual machines whenever possible. If there is an attempt to identify your PC identifiers, all that can be discovered are the identifiers of the virtual machine.

Rule 4 - Activity separation. Your work and personal internet space should not intersect! If you conduct dark activities from the same browser where you use your own social media, the police will find you quickly. Therefore, buy an external SSD and install the operating system there and work only from there!

Rule 5 - Encryption. Use encryption, with TrueCrypt (or VeraCrypt) being good options. Create encrypted archives on an external SSD where you work and store all work information there.

Rule 6 - Think about what will happen if the police raid you in 10 minutes. Estimate the time needed to destroy evidence if they knock on your door. If you don't work from an external SSD, breaking the hard drive on a desktop PC will take much longer. Plan the approximate time needed for evidence destruction. Remember what to break and in what sequence. This rule can save you!

Rule 7 - Avoid using cellular communication. It's preferable to avoid it entirely! If you need to receive an SMS, use SMS receiving services. If you need to call someone, set up IP telephony.

Rule 8 - Maximum confidentiality online. Don't disclose your real name and surname to anyone. The same applies to eye color and other attributes. Hide your phone number in all applications, disable contact copying from the address book. Refrain from using voice messages. Always evaluate the data you give to your interlocutor.
Basic security combos:

Combo: (simplified)

External SSD. Encrypted archive inside with data

Modem with an anonymous SIM card --- your VPN --- proxy/internet access through a virtual machine

Combo: (basic)

External SSD. Encrypted archive inside with data

Modem with an anonymous SIM card --- your VPN --- virtual machine --- another VPN --- proxy/internet access

Combo: (advanced)

External encrypted SSD. Encrypted archive with data inside

Modem with an anonymous SIM card --- your VPN --- connection routing (Whonix) --- your VPN on another hosting --- proxy/internet access

Any combo can be reinforced by:
  1. Linux as the main operating system
  2. Use of a router with an OpenVPN client
Some router models allow you to load your VPN configuration file. This allows you to create a basic VPN connection at the router level (router) --- VPN (PC)

Remember: all that solutions work only together!
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