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Operating systems | guide for carders

This tutorial is mainly if you are a merchant and you are carding your own products that you have listed up for sale.​
Merchant account providers such as Plimus or Avangate use sophisticated methods of detecting fraud.​
One method that they use is they compare computers that have placed orders.​
If a Windows Vista OS using Google chrome web browser placed 20 orders in the same day A red flag will be raised. Despite the fact that you are changing your IP address or hiding it using a VPN / Socket​
The web merchant will still raise a red flag if the same OS and same Browser keep placing orders Guess what Im here to teach you on how to beat the system!​
This is very simply to do; you don’t need to keep using different computers with different browsers​
All you need to do is download and install some simple plugins​
Head over to Mozzilla website and download Firefox​
Ones you have downloaded Firefox install it (obviously)​
Ones Firefox is up* go to and search for “User Agent Switcher”​
Download + install the add-on and restart your web browser (YOU NEED TO RESTART)​
Start up Firefox go to Tools > User Agent Switcher > User Agents​
You have a selection of web browser that you can select along with different OS​
Select the OS + Browser you want then hover to a website you are carding from + place the order (Don’t forgetthe VPN + Socket!)​
What this does is it tricks the website into thinking you are placing an order from a Different computer + Different web browser​
Let’s say you are using a windows computer with firefox* you can trick the website into thinking you are placing the order from a Mac OS with Google chrome where in reality you are just tampering with the User Agent.​
Hope you enjoy it!​
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