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Carding the brute of PayPal accounts
By the way, PayPal has been doing something incomprehensible lately. Return now at all, I think temporarily, I will also write about it.

So, to carding, we will need:

  1. Intermediary or drop.
  2. Brutus PayPal account
  3. Dedicated Server
Intermediary service provider
Naturally, they won't send it to Russia. There are practically no such shops anymore, so you'll have to steam up a little. I work with intermediaries, but you can use drops or scoops. An intermediary can easily lock up your packages and ask for a scanned passport, or even burn you down. Therefore, you can work with a drop service. It may be more expensive, but your pack is not deployed on the first install. I work with intermediaries, and I recommend ᐈ Meest 【USA】Postal & Logistics Services I advise you to register an intermediary for a friend. If it is designed for you, then the possibility of a visit by valiant police officers is not excluded, and you work at least with Tails, are you ready for this? Do you need it?
There were as many as 2 articles on intermediaries, I think there will be no problems, there is nothing complicated there.

Carding themselves:
In shops, there may be a PP merchant with a yellow button (you saw the screen above). Don't touch the yellow button, just click proceed to checkout. Enter the name that the intermediary is registered for, specify your email address (preferably Yahoo, etc. foreign mail), specify the phone number of the holder, but change 1 digit. Enter the address of Line 1 and Line 2. If you don't see these lines, then look for the enter address manually button. Then pay for it. Again, there may be a midrange (then throw in the leg), there may be a retreat(try less amounts or throw in the leg).
You don't even need to log in to your account, you can just enter your payment details, they say it's better that way.
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