News Landcrab Ransomware Distributor Arrested in South Korea


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Between February and June 2019, the suspect sent almost 6.5 thousand malicious emails to users in South Korea.

The National Police of South Korea announced the arrest of a 20-year-old suspect on charges of distributing extortionate software GandCrab . The suspect, whose name has not been released, was acting as a client of the extortionate-as-a-service (RaaS) GandCrab.

According to law enforcement officials, the suspect distributed copies of the extortionist GandCrab by email throughout South Korea. Between February and June 2019, the suspect sent almost 6,5 thousand emails disguised as official messages from local police stations, the Constitutional Court and the Bank of Korea to users in South Korea.

When the victims opened the documents attached to the received emails, the extortionate software GandCrab was installed on their computer systems, which then encrypted their files and displayed a note demanding a ransom of $1.3 thousand in bitcoins.

The National Police of South Korea was able to identify at least 120 users who were victims of phishing campaigns. In total, the suspect managed to earn about 12 million won ($10,5 thousand), as he received only 7% of the amount that the victims paid to GandCrab.
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