First of all you need to buy a bank log with carrier pin. People like John Wick sells them if you don't have seller.
Then you need to do a carrier lookup to confirm what carrier the victim has. Buy an physical Sim card online on ebay/phone carrier store from the same phone carrier. You can use reship service to have it reshipped to your country if you don't have a drop in the US who can receive the sim for you or even make the order for you.
You can use Ezzocard prepaid service to buy a Visa card anonymously with BTC loaded with X amount of USD.
Anyways when you have the Sim card, you build fullz of your victim. SSN, DOB, MMN, (All sim carriers ask different questions).
75% of all people pay their phone bills with their online banking account. Go through victims online banking transactions and find the victims phone bill amount. Note down dates, amounts on as many as you can find.
Then you will need to call the phone operator from the sim card you bought. But first it's always good to make a test call before to find out what questions they ask.
After test call, you do the real call, you tell them you have lost your sim card when you were moving it between two phones. And you would like to get your old number on your new sim card you have purchased.
They will ask you a couple of questions including carrier pin, if you answer the questions correct, within a couple of hours you'll have the phone number on ur new step.For the updated method and tools contact on
Phone : +1(661)-249
First of all you need to buy a bank log with carrier pin. People like John Wick sells them if you don't have seller.
Then you need to do a carrier lookup to confirm what carrier the victim has. Buy an physical Sim card online on ebay/phone carrier store from the same phone carrier. You can use reship service to have it reshipped to your country if you don't have a drop in the US who can receive the sim for you or even make the order for you.
You can use Ezzocard prepaid service to buy a Visa card anonymously with BTC loaded with X amount of USD.
Anyways when you have the Sim card, you build fullz of your victim. SSN, DOB, MMN, (All sim carriers ask different questions).
75% of all people pay their phone bills with their online banking account. Go through victims online banking transactions and find the victims phone bill amount. Note down dates, amounts on as many as you can find.
Then you will need to call the phone operator from the sim card you bought. But first it's always good to make a test call before to find out what questions they ask.
After test call, you do the real call, you tell them you have lost your sim card when you were moving it between two phones. And you would like to get your old number on your new sim card you have purchased.
They will ask you a couple of questions including carrier pin, if you answer the questions correct, within a couple of hours you'll have the phone number on ur new step.For the updated method and tools contact on
Phone : +1(661)-249