News The US is preparing a response to the attacks of " Russian hackers»


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Washington said it would apply not only sanctions to Russia, but also "visible and invisible tools."

The US threatens Russia to respond to an attack by alleged Russian hackers of the US government. Joe Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, promised that he would make sure that "Russia understands where the US draws the line" on the issue of cyber attacks. According to the official, the response will include not only sanctions, but influence will be exerted through " visible and invisible tools."

He added that intelligence officers are now determining the extent of the damage and identifying those involved in cyber attacks. According to the presidential aide, it will take weeks to prepare a response. U.S. authorities are working on it, Sullivan said.

"Responding to a number of such actions requires a more comprehensive set of tools. That's what the US administration is going to do," Sullivan said. It will take several months to eliminate the consequences of a large-scale cyberattack on US agencies.

Washington believes that someone of "Russian origin" was probably behind the hacker attack through the SolarWinds software , White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ann Nyberger told reporters on Wednesday.

Russia has repeatedly rejected Washington's conclusions about Moscow's involvement in the December cyberattack on US agencies through SolarWinds software, as well as about interference in the US elections.
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