What’s up , Hustler? So, I have seen lots of fake sites writing about the Western Union carding method for a while now. Fortunately for you, I will expose the secrets in carding Western Union successfully in this guide.
To card Western Union is easy; you need a Western Union account, CC Fullz...
You are going to need the following tools before you go to westernunion.com and transfer money.
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After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call...
1.Fresh credit card or fullz (containing dob ssn and mmn)
This is an example of fullz
First Name : ANNE
Middle Name : L.
Last Name : TUNNER
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST.
State : MA
Zip Code : 01235
Country : US
Phone Number ...