Other bots, including Archangel, Smart_SearchBot, and Mailsearchbot, have also been disabled at this time
The administrators of the Telegram messenger blocked the "Eye of God" bot, which was used to search for people's personal data in various leaked and open databases.
The blocking is related...
Exploiting the problem allowed remote attackers to gain access to messages, photos, and videos in users ' secret chats.
Cybersecurity researchers have revealed details about a fixed vulnerability in the Telegram messaging app, the exploitation of which allowed remote attackers to access...
The vulnerability allowed access to self-destructing audio and video messages long after they disappeared.
A vulnerability in the macOS version of the program that violates user privacy has been discovered in the popular Telegram messaging app. The problem was identified by security researcher...
Last month, a Telegram bot appeared that gave out a link to a user's Facebook profile by their phone number.
A database containing more than 370 million rows was published in the public domain. It includes 108 text files, each of which contains data from Facebook users from a particular...
According to Durov, Apple is more dangerous than Google, because it can completely restrict users ' access to the applications they use.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said in his blog that Apple may restrict the freedom of users. Therefore, it is better for users to switch from the iOS platform...